Hearty Winter Melon Chicken Soup
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I know it’s been a while since I have updated this blog. If you want, you can always follow me either on Facebook or Instagram where I could randomly post things around. Anyway today I finally used my big oven to make turkey. No..not the whole turkey. I am still […]
Continue Reading...Spiced Chicken Breast Shallots and Scallions
It’s been a ages since I’ve posted a recipe on this blog. I gotta live up to my blog name, right? Anyway I am a big fan of easy and quick recipe that’s also delicious, nutritious and versatile. This is one of my go to dish to make especially when I’m pressed in time or […]
Continue Reading...Gluten Free Chewy Brownie
I don’t post dessert recipe that often, especially those are high carbs and starch. But when I saw this recipe on the website that Debby told me a while back, I was so intrigue to make it. This recipe obviously not originally mine but I made some tweaks to it with whatever I had in […]
Continue Reading...Chicken Drumsticks Stew
Hello dear readers! Welcome to September. Woot only 3 more months before we’re going to end this year of 2014 and welcoming year 2015. Anyway I have a super simple and easy recipe for you to make. It’s been so hot and humid in LA lately that I haven’t been in a mood of cooking […]
Continue Reading...Soft Puff Cookies
Sometimes my brain could construct an impromptu recipe out of nowhere. Usually this impromptu type recipe doesn’t turn out to be good but this one is an exception. Well I lied a bit. It didn’t turn out like those regular cookies that we’ve known of – meaning they are not crunchy nor has that soft-baked […]
Continue Reading...Progress Update and An Easy Caramelized Pork Loin Recipe
Happy February dear reader(s)! I can’t believe January is over and we’re already in February! By the way, I’d like to give a little update with my fitness journey. Long story short, I’m LIKING my progress! Never in my dream that I’d ever get my back to be this defined! Not to mention the fat […]
Continue Reading...Thai Red Curry Beef
Wait, what, another recipe post? Yup I’ve been on the roll! Remember I was talking about how hot the weather recently? So in order to keep me sane, I’ve also been using my slow cooker. A slow cooker is very handy to have, especially if you need to do batch cooking and you don’t have […]
Continue Reading...Oven Braised Chicken Legs
Howdy readers! It’s been a while since I posted a recipe in this blog! Phew. I’ve been cooking a lot, especially during weekends, since those are the time for me to make batch cooking for the upcoming week. So in order to keep things simple and keeping myself sane at the same time, I always […]
Continue Reading...Tips for Staying Motivated Towards Your Fitness Goal
I received an email from a representative from ETB Fit, a sports nutrition-based lifestyle business, requesting me to share how I prepare to get through my fitness routine in a post on my blog. This opportunity came at a perfect timing since I have been meaning to post about how I keep up with my […]
Continue Reading...First Jakarta Trip after 18 Years Later – The Final Part
Read my Part 1 and Part 2 post in case you missed them. So it was finally the time for me to return to the States. I am not going to blab too much. Just enjoy the photos that I took while waiting for my flight at the airport 🙂 Haha this is funny. These […]