Tag: side dish
TomaGua Salad
I came up with this salad combo on the whim when I was puttering in the kitchen preparing food and at the last minute realized I haven’t prepared any veggie side dish yet. Oops. So I looked into my pantry and just gathered whatever would make a quick salad fix without much effort. Ingredients: 4 […]
Continue Reading...Mashed “Sweet Potatoes”
There are plenty of ways to create Paleo friendly mashed potatoes and one of them is by pureeing cauliflower. Today I felt a bit adventurous and I added some carrots to give it more color, which reminds me a lot of mashed sweet potatoes. Ingredients: 1 big cauliflower head 3 big carrots 1-3 Tbsp Fox […]
Continue Reading...Seaweed Salad
This was my first time making my own seaweed salad and it turned out pretty well. It’s a perfect dish for this summer weather and it’s super easy to make! Ingredients: Dried seaweed (wakame) – you can find this at Asian market (Japanese and Korean especially) 3 Tbsp Coconut Aminos 3 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon […]
Continue Reading...No Crabs No Problem “Crab” Cakes
Couple days back, I tried to make my own Paleo homemade mayonnaise following Sarah Fragoso’s recipe (halved it) and I used avocado oil since I didn’t have any virgin olive oil on hand. Unfortunately, my paleo mayonnaise was a complete failure – it turned out way too watery and I haven’t even added all of […]
Continue Reading...Cauliflower “Mashed Potatoes”
I was never a big fan of mashed potatoes but this Cauliflower “Mashed Potatoes” surely won my heart! It’s super easy and you can put any seasonings you want. In my case, I prefer to keep the Cauliflower “Mashed Potatoes’ unseasoned because I like to eat them with another dish that has lots of sauce/gravy. […]