I came up with this salad combo on the whim when I was puttering in the kitchen preparing food and at the last minute realized I haven’t prepared any veggie side dish yet. Oops. So I looked into my pantry and just gathered whatever would make a quick salad fix without much effort.

4 ripe roma tomatoes – chopped
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
1 guava – chopped

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (I used 2 small lemons – roughly around 1/4 cup?)
1-3 Tbsp avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Pinch of dried parsley

Mix all the ingredients together – taste accordingly. Let it sit for about 15 minutes before devouring.

See? Easy peasy right? A simple salad side dish that could be prepared in less than 5 minutes. In case you haven’t figured it out TomaGua Salad is a short from Tomato Guava Salad.

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