The T Day
Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate. Today I would like to take a moment to be thankful. 1. I am thankful for having wonderful parents who sent me to the US for my education. Without them, I won’t ever dream to come to the US and met a lot of wonderful people. 2. I am […]
Continue Reading...These Tips Keep Me Accountable on My Lifestyle
Hello dear readers! First of all HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Are you dressing up? Sadly I am not because the costume that I was going to order won’t get it in time. But at least I’ll have something to put on next year..haha. Anyway it’s been quite a while since my last post on this blog. In […]
Continue Reading...Gluten Free Chewy Brownie
I don’t post dessert recipe that often, especially those are high carbs and starch. But when I saw this recipe on the website that Debby told me a while back, I was so intrigue to make it. This recipe obviously not originally mine but I made some tweaks to it with whatever I had in […]
Continue Reading...BriDay Celebration…SUCCESS!
Last Saturday, the BriDay (Bridal Shower/Birthday) party for my bride-to-be friend, J (let’s call her Bride J) was a success! Since she asked me to be her maid-of-honor (fun fact: Bride J was my maid of honor for my wedding), I thought it was sort of my duty to throw her a Bridal Shower. And […]
Continue Reading...Chicken Drumsticks Stew
Hello dear readers! Welcome to September. Woot only 3 more months before we’re going to end this year of 2014 and welcoming year 2015. Anyway I have a super simple and easy recipe for you to make. It’s been so hot and humid in LA lately that I haven’t been in a mood of cooking […]