Tag: the carb nite solution
After A Long Hiatus…
Howdy reader(s)! I am totally aware that I’ve been taking quite a long break from posting. There were lots of things been going on but I won’t bore you to death with a super LONG post so why don’t I just give you some highlights by using pictures, video with some words? In case you’ve […]
Continue Reading...Whole30® Carb Nite Solution
Hi everyone! How was your weekend? Btw if you are in the US, we all know that this coming Sunday we’d lose 1 hour! The good thing is we will have longer daylight and that means Spring is coming. We had a gorgeous sunny and comfortable weather in SoCal. I’m sorry for those of you […]
Continue Reading...An Almost Perfect Carb Nite®
Happy Saturday and Happy almost Christmas/Holiday everyone! First of all thank you for your kind words on my last post regarding my friend’s situation. Yesterday was a great day. I took a day off from work until Monday so I got to go to Kettlebell class at LBKC. Workout was great although I wish I […]
Continue Reading...Rice Congee
In the past, my mom used to make rice congee when we got sick, especially digestion problems. But for me, I love rice congee in any occasion. It’s very simple to do and there’s no set in stone recipe. However, there’s a certain way to make rice congee so you won’t just end up with […]
Continue Reading...One Month Carb Nite® Check In
Before I start with my post, I want to let all my thoughts to the ones who lost someone they know at the school shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut yesterday. It was such a sad day and I don’t understand what was in that person’s mind when he was shooting those […]