Tag: post workout meal
Gluten Free Chewy Brownie
I don’t post dessert recipe that often, especially those are high carbs and starch. But when I saw this recipe on the website that Debby told me a while back, I was so intrigue to make it. This recipe obviously not originally mine but I made some tweaks to it with whatever I had in […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 20 – Love My Lunch Plate Combo
Ok, I actually had my dinner last night, but it was so late (like around 9pm). Not much just leftover shredded chicken breasts with a whole avocado and munched on some Coconut Chips. Late dinner resulted late to bed so got up later today and working out later as well. Had my post workout meal/breakfast […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 13 – Disturbing Facts
I had a dream that disturbed me because it was total replay of Friday the 13th incident. Of course it wasn’t the exact depiction, but the main thing was the same. Because of this, it woke me up at exactly 5 am and I couldn’t go back to sleep no matter what! Isn’t it disturbing […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 11 – Staying Sharp
I woke up with some soreness on my right neck, not sure what – could be I twisted my right shoulder? Anyway, today’s workout was focused on my lower body more to give it an extra rest day. Inhaled this breakfast/post workout meal in a matter of second (I exaggerated this A LOT obviously)- purple […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 8
I woke up this morning and greeted by these guests on my kitchen counter top. Ants! Ants! Ants! Ants! Ants! Everywhere on the counter top and there was NO FOOD at all! I hate ants! They always appear during hot summer time and there’s not much I could do except to keep my kitchen squeaky […]