Tag: Health
Tips for Staying Motivated Towards Your Fitness Goal
I received an email from a representative from ETB Fit, a sports nutrition-based lifestyle business, requesting me to share how I prepare to get through my fitness routine in a post on my blog. This opportunity came at a perfect timing since I have been meaning to post about how I keep up with my […]
Continue Reading...The T Day
Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate. Today I would like to take a moment to be thankful. 1. I am thankful for having wonderful parents who sent me to the US for my education. Without them, I won’t ever dream to come to the US and met a lot of wonderful people. 2. I am […]
Continue Reading...Progress Update and An Easy Caramelized Pork Loin Recipe
Happy February dear reader(s)! I can’t believe January is over and we’re already in February! By the way, I’d like to give a little update with my fitness journey. Long story short, I’m LIKING my progress! Never in my dream that I’d ever get my back to be this defined! Not to mention the fat […]
Continue Reading...Fat Loss Journey Update
Hey everyone! For those in the US, are you ready for the upcoming Labor Day long weekend? What do you have in your agenda? Hubby and I will be going out of town for a little bit. It’s been quite a while for both of us to travel together. Our last trip together was almost […]
Continue Reading...Carb Nite® Solution & Paleo: How They Are Different
This post is geared for those who’ve purchased Carb Nite Solution book and would like to integrate his/her paleo lifestyle while doing it. If you haven’t and would like to, please buy it from this link* to support my friend/trainer/coach Debby K as she is the one who introduced me to this lifestyle and coaching […]