Author: Jos
Sunny Herb Seasonings
Big THANKS to Nom Nom Paleo who was so kind for telling me what’s the ingredients for Penzey’s Sunny Paris seasonings so I could sort of replicate this on my own 😀 Note: the missing ingredients are purple shallots and chevril Ingredients: 1 tsp green peppercorns 1 tsp dried chives 1 tsp basil 1 tsp […]
Continue Reading...Five Spice Apple Braised Whole Chicken
Five Spice Apple Braised Whole Chicken (inspired by Fit Daffy’s Chinese Poached Chicken recipe) Ingredients: 1 whole chicken -skinned and trimmed excess fat as much as possible without tearing the meat 1 Tbsp avocado oil or coconut oil (or any high heat cooking oil of your choice – just don’t use vegetable/seed oils!) 3 Tbsp […]
Continue Reading...My Whole30 Reflections
Finally, my Whole30 reflections post that I’ve been delaying for a while and I figured it’s better to finish it off or else I’ll just keep delaying it. Yeah I am such a procrastinator sometimes. Anyway let’s cut to the chase: what’s my thought on this Whole30 challenge? Before I began, let me tell you […]
Continue Reading...Oooh…How I’ve Missed You!!
Today was my first day of my post Whole30, so did I do anything differently? Well, not much actually except that I took it a bit easy exercise-wise because tomorrow I’ll start hitting it hard again. I still spent 2 rounds of 4 minute skipping though (first round was high knees and second was jump […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 30 – It’s Not the End
Well everyone, today is the last day of my Whole30 Challenge but it’s not the end for me…ever. Don’t worry, I am going to post my Whole30 experience shortly so stay tuned to that. Anyway, my computer problem hasn’t quite been solved yet (I’m still blogging from my laptop). Thank you for those of you […]