Author: Jos
Whole30: Day 29 – Sad and Freaked Out
I know this post might not resonate as much to my Whole30 challenge but I just need to get it out from my system, which hopefully makes me feel a teeny bit better. Remember my computer problem that I mentioned yesterday? Well I think I rejoiced waaay too early as the problem is STILL EXIST! […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 28
Wow 2 more days until the end of my Whole30 and at the same time it’s almost the end of July! OMG…time flies waay so fast! Unlike last week, this whole week my sleep has been GREAT! I’m not sure what exactly the cause but for now I’ll rule it out as my period. Anyway, […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 27 – Improvisation and My New Addiction
Today I improvised my own workout which left me had a good upper back sore, which was a good thing, right? Usually, I either picked whatever workout from or from any CrossFit Bodyweight workout, but today I was feeling a bit creative. And I’m glad I did it! Next time I might do this […]
Continue Reading...Apple and Spice Mini Burgers
Ingredients: 2lbs lean ground beef (93%/7% ratio) – if using grass-fed ground beef, no need to worry about the fat 🙂 1-2 Tbsp Spicy “Sausage” Seasoning Mix 1-2 tsp ground mixed peppercorns or black pepper 1 Tbsp Red Boat Fish Sauce or 2 tsp salt 1/2 organic cameo apple (mine was about tennis ball size)- […]
Continue Reading...Whole30: Day 26 – Succeed and Failed
Holy smokes! I just realized this week is my last week of Whole30! Time surely flies fast huh?! Strangely, even though I’m getting closer to the end of Whole30 challenge, I don’t have the urge to what do I want to have as my treat for Day 31. In fact, I was even thinking to […]