Hey dear reader(s). We are officially entering the Fall (Autumn) season now. Since I live in SoCal, I don’t get to see the leaves changing color but the colder temperature and the shorter bright day are enough indicator that we’re going to colder season. Not to mention this coming Sunday we set our clock 1 hour back so that means we get an EXTRA one hour sleep!

How do you warm yourself up in this cold season?

My personal favorites are homemade soup and I have some good recipes here and here.


Chicken carcass (feet, heads, wing tips) cooked low for 12 hours in a slow cooker
Chicken carcass (feet, heads, wing tips) cooked low for 12 hours in a slow cooker

By the way, I’ve been on Carb Nite® Solution plan and training under Debby’s guidance for about a year now.
In the beginning, my goal was for fat loss and I also just started embarking into this weight lifting journey. As the time went by, my goal has changed from fat loss to muscle building. Progress has been slow but a slow progress is still a progress. Building muscles takes time as well as losing body fat. There’s no shortcut nor quick fix. However, slowly I started to see some.

Having a knowledgeable trainer coaching your Carb Nite Solution plus heavy Barbell Glute Bridge and Hip Thrust will do your butt a wonder!
Looks like my upper back gained some muscles!

So far I’m quite happy with my progress. I won’t lie that there were times that I got a bit frustrated as I felt I didn’t make any progress, both in my training and my nutrition. But patience and persistence surely paid off in the end.

The question now is will I be on Carb Nite Solution forever? The answer is NO.

Sure it’s fun to indulge once a week with high carb goodies and treats without any slight of guilt.

My typical once a week carb feast - all homemade gluten free and paleo treats!
My typical once a week carb feast – all homemade gluten free and paleo treats!

However, if I need to build more muscles, I DO NEED more carbs refeeds, not just once a week. CNS isn’t a muscle building program to begin with. When Kiefer first wrote it, it was mainly for sedentary people but some people who are lifting heavy also use it to shed extra body fat.

When will I stop doing Carb Nite Solution? Well, it depends on how intense my training is. Weight lifting is such a new thing for me so it will take some time for me to learn the basic major lifts (squats, deadlifts, row, press, hip thrust, glute bridge) before I could load more weights. Of course I do all of these under a professional guidance, Debby K! We are doing a distance training through email, occasional Skype and YouTube video to assess my forms.

Before I end this post, I want to share this post regarding training and eating style. I could totally relate to what that post is saying because I USED TO BE like that! After being on CNS for about a year, I totally understand that everything takes time and there’s no magic pill that will fix things in a short time. Just remember, good things come from consistency and hard work. It will take a while to get there but the end result will be..priceless. 🙂

Have a great weekend!

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