Rest and Recovery Week
Happy Sunday everyone! I just enjoyed another 5 days of rest and recovery after my 6 weeks of 4-5 days of working out.
So what exactly did I do during my rest and recovery week? Just keep in mind, I only took breaks from doing an actual workout, be it a timed circuit workout, weight training, HIIT or anything. But that doesn’t mean I just sat on my ass and eating bon bon throughout the week. I was still quite active with my daily commute to work. Sprinting to get my ride and climbing stairs while carrying about 10+ lbs backpack were still considered to be quite active. Plus after I came back from work, I also did some stretches, plank holds, and practicing some moves that I want to improve. Also I am proud to say that my left ankle has finally healed! No more twitching or pain whenever I step on my left foot. Hurray for that! 😀
With all being said, to be honest, while I wasn’t working out during this week, I started to feel I was losing my motivation to workout and also for some reason I had trouble falling asleep 3-4 days in a row!!
It could be because our weather has been pretty wacky lately (it was 100+ for the past 3 days during day time) or it could be because that was the week of the monthly thing. Hard to tell. The hot room could be easily resolved by turning on the AC prior going to sleep.
My eats were quite clean during my rest and recovery week. I’ve been drinking lots of bone broth lately and I’m loving it, especially first thing in the morning. Nothing beats a cup or a bowl of warm bone broth.
Not gonna lie, I enjoyed 2 squares of dark chocolate, dipped in coconut butter. YUM… 🙂
So yesterday was my first day working out again and last night I could fall asleep without much trouble. Today I had another great workout as well. In fact my upper body was a bit sore from yesterday. I know soreness doesn’t always indicate a good workout but at least I know that I pushed myself quite good!
Another great thing for back on track with regular workouts? I could enjoy a meal like this!
I love lotus roots and any root vegetables like sweet potatoes. Seriously, these are some of my motivators to work out so I could enjoy them after!
Another great thing that I am so happy that I ordered a new jump rope from Amazon before they start to charge California tax!
What do you do during your rest and recovery day?

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i haven’t been exercising much lately-maybe 3x and they are fairly short. i like to clean the house or go sit in a coffee shop or watch a movie when i’m resting. my left foot has been acting up a little lately (i think i strained a tendon in my vffs when i was sprinting 2 weeks ago) so i’m taking it easy (yoga, walks etc)