Doesn’t Have to be Glorious
Happy Labor Day weekend for those in the US. Don’t we just love the extra day off tomorrow? I know I do. 🙂
I don’t particularly have anything planned for this long weekend other than just unwind, relax and the thought of for not doing anything is more than enough than doing anything. In fact, going somewhere during holiday is always a headache. Stuck in a traffic, airport, crowded public place etc. my cuppa tea for sure.
Spending holiday doesn’t have to be glorious as long as whatever we chose to do makes us feel one, don’t you think?
The concept also applies to me on my food and exercise.
You see, I don’t cook fancy looking meal as I don’t have much time and I rather spend my time doing something that I enjoy like surfing the net endlessly (not super good I know but I enjoy it!) than slaving myself in the kitchen for the entire weekend.
But even though these food don’t look pretty and fancy, they make me feel fancy.
The proof was on Friday, I totally crushed my 8 Exercise Drill time and performance to hell. 2 years ago, I finished it in 33:53 and I only used a pair of 8lbs dumbbell. On Friday, I finished it in 25:02 with heavier weight (using 35lbs sandbag for most weighted workout except for side lunges and plank rows – used a pair 8lbs dumbbell). Fancy huh?
If you think I go to gym and working out with fancy gym equipment or even owning one, you are wrong.
I figured a way to do push ups with dumbbell so I won’t put too much pressure on my wrists. I don’t have hexagon dumbbells, so the solution was to put some weight around them so they won’t roll around. No excuses now for not be able to do push ups 🙂
Anyway hope you have a fun and save holiday/weekend. 🙂
Be safe!

2 thoughts on “Doesn’t Have to be Glorious”
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Me neither….hate the gym… working out at home. soooo convenient. Your eats look good too, simple and nutritious. What more could you ask for. Love your post.
happy labor day! i totally agree about not needing a gym membership! i have been working out at home for years and am fitter now than i was when i had one. oh the irony 🙂