Even though I’ve been pretty good to keep doing my workout first thing in morning, I won’t lie that sometimes it could feel like a drag. My solutions? I just convinced myself that after I finished the “torture” I’d enjoy the yummy post workout meal/breakfast, like this:

2 slices of Applegate Organic Roast Beef plus 1/2 baked Japanese yam

I bought 3 plantains couple days ago and made them all into Plantain Chips and Plantain Fries – all fried in coconut oil – DELICIOUS! One word of caution: please do not expect them to be crunchy as potato chips/french fries, but they’re super yummy and much better than those suckers!

BONUS POINT: Whole30 Approved To the Boot!

For lunch I fried some eggs, seasoned with my homemade Fox Point Seasonings and drizzled with Balsamic Vinegar reduction sauce.

Roasted some broccoli seasoned with salt, pepper, and smoked paprika powder.

Topped everything with whole avocado, sauerkraut, my lunch was super filling without leaving me bloating!

No wonder cause I had lots of good fats (avocados and coconut oil) to keep my hunger on the bay. So if you still think fat is bad for you (saturated fat especially) think again!

Even I had to kinda force myself to eat a little bit of dinner by 7pm or I’ll be super starving by the time I’m going to bed.
Leftover roasted broccoli and leftover Apple Lime Chicken Stir Fry and 1/2 egg from lunch.

And I had some strawberries and 1 yellow nectarine as dessert.

Whole30: Day 14:
There are more delicious healthy snacks other than potato chips and their cousins. Try plantain chips! So easy to make and super yummy!

Anyone going to watch Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallow Part 2 tonight?
Even though I do like Harry Potter, read the entire 7 books, I am not a big fan of a big crowd, especially in a movie theater. It’s just too noisy and not to mention movie tickets are not exactly cheap either these days. So I’m going to wait another 2-3 weeks until the crowd die down to watch in on a big screen. 😀

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