I’ve been wanting to make this super easy yet refreshing salad “noodles” for a while, especially since I got this toy julienne peeler. (Have you got yours yet? Get it from an Asian market) This julienne peeler is the best $1 investment I’ve ever made 😀

Summer Rainbow “Noodles”
1 carrot
1 zucchini
1 apple
3-4 romaine lettuce
2 Tbsp avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil
1 orange
1/2 lemon

I was planning to use 2 carrots and 2 zucchinis but in the process, I figured 1 of each was actually enough to feed 3 adults already

1. Using your julienne peeler or your knife (if you have an amazing knife skills), julienne the carrot and the zucchini. Do the same with the apple but I’d suggest you do that when you’re about to serve the salad as apple will oxidize (Tip: you can soak the apple in salt water to prevent the oxidation).

2. Slice the romaine lettuce lengthwise- thinly- combine with the rest of the vegetables

3. To make the dressing juice 1 orange, 1/2 lemon and mix with 2 Tbsp avocado oil.

Serve with your favorite protein dish (in this case is Balsamic Herb Chicken Breasts)

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