Tag: friends
Dim Sum Birthday
It’s been hot and humid lately here in SoCal, something that’s not quite usual. I could stand dry heat but not humid heat. It reminds me a lot back in Indonesia where it’s always hot and humid all year long. Since I’ve been in the States for over a decade, I guess I got spoiled. […]
Continue Reading...A Cocoon and a Baby
I have been enjoying this short week thanks to the holiday on Monday but the biggest highlight was Friday. I was lucky enough I could request working from home on so I could go to the university that I used to attend to get my body fat tested. Unlike the typical underwater weighing, they used […]
Continue Reading...Catching Up with a Friend
Thank you for all your sweet comments on my last post, really appreciate it! Sorry for the lack of post yesterday as I was out for the whole day, hanging out with M, one of my college friend (Btw, did anyone watch the Royal Wedding coverage? I didn’t). It’s been a while for me to […]
Continue Reading...Elmo and Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day or Happy Monday to those who don’t really care for it 😀 I had such a good weekend…lots of good food, hanging out with friends etc. Sunday was “Elmo’s” Birthday! (actual day is this Wednesday) I present you: Food porn! Sort of Primal-approved food that I ate: Non Primal approved Chocolate Birthday […]
Continue Reading...Primal Eat Out and Bowling I Can Not
Hi everyone! How’s your Sunday going so far? For those who are in the US, anyone watching the Superbowl? I am not a big fan of sports so NOPE, though the commercials are usually pretty interesting. I heard for a mere seconds of commercial spot, it could cost million $$. Anyway, today I’ve been sniffing, […]