Category: Snacks
Gluten Free Chewy Brownie
I don’t post dessert recipe that often, especially those are high carbs and starch. But when I saw this recipe on the website that Debby told me a while back, I was so intrigue to make it. This recipe obviously not originally mine but I made some tweaks to it with whatever I had in […]
Continue Reading...Silky and Nutty Lemon Pie
Woohoo another recipe post! Are you excited? I am so happy that I finally finished up this recipe post. Believe me, I’ve been hoarding this recipe to myself because I’ve been lazy to actually sit down and put this together. Before I started, have you checked out Debby’s new Low Carb Melt-In-Your-Mouth Lemon ‘Chiffon’ Poppy […]
Continue Reading...Soft Puff Cookies
Sometimes my brain could construct an impromptu recipe out of nowhere. Usually this impromptu type recipe doesn’t turn out to be good but this one is an exception. Well I lied a bit. It didn’t turn out like those regular cookies that we’ve known of – meaning they are not crunchy nor has that soft-baked […]
Continue Reading...Easy Recipe for an Easy Day: Spiced Tea Infused Eggs
Hello dear readers! Long time haven’t talked. I’ve been busy slacking off updating this blog for whatever reasons. Anyway can you believe it’s already JUNE?! Time flies! We are already halfway through the year of 2014. I thought we just celebrated New Year not too long ago. My fitness progress has been super awesome, thanks […]
Continue Reading...Ultra Low Carb Savory Egg Muffins
I have a confession. I’m addicted to pork rinds. Seriously it’s the BEST THING EVER since potato chips! In the past, I’d cringe the idea of eating pork rinds straight from the bag, but not anymore. But still I paid a dear price for eating an entire bag of pork rinds. My tummy didn’t agree […]