Category: Fitness
Tips for Staying Motivated Towards Your Fitness Goal
I received an email from a representative from ETB Fit, a sports nutrition-based lifestyle business, requesting me to share how I prepare to get through my fitness routine in a post on my blog. This opportunity came at a perfect timing since I have been meaning to post about how I keep up with my […]
Continue Reading...These Tips Keep Me Accountable on My Lifestyle
Hello dear readers! First of all HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Are you dressing up? Sadly I am not because the costume that I was going to order won’t get it in time. But at least I’ll have something to put on next year..haha. Anyway it’s been quite a while since my last post on this blog. In […]
Continue Reading...From Fashion, Fitness to Food
Happy August and Happy Back to School Day! Oh dear time surely flies here. Before we know it, it’ll be the end of year 2014 and we’ll be welcoming the year of 2015! Yikes! Today’s post might be a bit different. I don’t usually talk much about my fashion stuff since I’m not a fan […]
Continue Reading...A New Month, A New Beginning
Hello dear readers! It’s been a while since I updated this blog. Well I won’t make any lame excuses for the lack of updates. Instead, how about I give you a little rundown what’s been going on. So other than we’ve been having a yucky, humid and hot weather (Hawaii in California everyone!), I’ve been […]
Continue Reading...Easy Recipe for an Easy Day: Spiced Tea Infused Eggs
Hello dear readers! Long time haven’t talked. I’ve been busy slacking off updating this blog for whatever reasons. Anyway can you believe it’s already JUNE?! Time flies! We are already halfway through the year of 2014. I thought we just celebrated New Year not too long ago. My fitness progress has been super awesome, thanks […]