From Fashion, Fitness to Food
Happy August and Happy Back to School Day!
Oh dear time surely flies here. Before we know it, it’ll be the end of year 2014 and we’ll be welcoming the year of 2015! Yikes!
Today’s post might be a bit different. I don’t usually talk much about my fashion stuff since I’m not a fan of fashion shopping (I rather shop for shoes!). But since I have worked hard to sculpt my body, I should splurge myself with some nice new clothing, right?
Not gonna lie, shopping for a nicely fit jeans/pants has been a battle for me and depresses me at the same time. If it fits on my waist then it’s super tight on my hips, butt and legs. If it fits my legs/hip/butt/legs and it’s way too big on my waist *SIGH*
The problem of a girl who lifts heavy stuff!

But FEAR NOT! I’ve finally found the perfect jeans to fit my physique. It’s very simple: NO SKINNY jeans since my legs AREN’T SKINNY! In fact, regular bootcut fits nicely on my tush and legs and still decent enough on the waist area. Plus since my legs are muscular enough, they actually fill up the jeans, thus I still have that curve 🙂

I’m also loving how my butt looks! And because of that, I actually got myself trying on several dresses and skirts! As someone who mostly owns pants in her closet, this is quite unusual. I couldn’t believe I actually stayed and tried on several dresses and skirts. In the past, I would rather run to the shoes section.

After I tried on so many dresses, I decided to get this skirt. The stripe pattern enhances my booty curve.

But eventuall, I also got myself a dress! I love the style so I couldn’t resist not getting it.

My booty doesn’t grow from doing heavy squats (HECK I don’t squat heavy ass weights!). Just like Mr Glute Guy, Bret Contreras said, BB Hip Thrust and BB Glute Bridge triumph heavy squats in terms of activating our booty muscle hypertrophy. And I’m one of a living proof of that! You could see his clients booty transformations.
Of course since I do heavy hip thrust, I need a nice good padding so I won’t bruise my pelvis (Again Mr Glute recommends this particular padding for hip thrusting).
I’ve been enjoying good food too:
From Korean BBQ
To a cupcake (NOT Gluten-Free, NOT sugar-free)- surprisingly, I rather have homemade muffins such as this Low Carb Mlet-in-Your-Mouth ‘Chiffon’ Poppy Seed Cake. 🙂
So there you go, another glimpse of my random stuff.
I promise next time I’ll post up a recipe, if I could get myself to finish it.

One thought on “From Fashion, Fitness to Food”
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i really love that white dress!! it fit you so nicely! if i made more $ i would join a gym but for now i will keep my skinny jeans (as you know, bodyweight workouts, walking and jogging don’t really build up the curve factor). i would love to build my upper body since it’s so scrawny so it gives the illusion of a tinier waist!