Hey, I apologize for the lack of updating the blog recently. I have no other excuse other than being slacking off and lack of time commitment. Well hopefully I still maintain at least one reader, right?? LOL

Anyway there were things been going on for me and one of it was I finally joined a gym!

Yup you read it right, I joined a gym.

So what happened to home workout? Well I still do it if I don’t have time going to gym or if it’s a recovery day. The reason I joined a gym is because I want to take my training to the next level. I am planning to do more weight training so I could reach my fitness goal: to improve my raw strength!

It took me a while to realize that there’s a gym nearby my workplace and my workplace offers membership discount without any commitment! Before the offer expires this month, I decided to sign up. My workout schedule remains the same. I still get up at 3:40am and I just need to catch the first train to work and do my workout before I walk to the office.

In order to achieve this goal, I’ve also put together my own workout program that I will be doing for the next 4-6 weeks. Still tweaking it around but the main idea is already there. Pretty much I’ll be focusing on basic moves.

So far so good.

I am still doing my Carb Nite Solution and I think it’s been around 3 months now. I might not lose tons of weight but I could see my body composition has changed.
Note: I flexed my muscles in these pictures btw.

Last Friday was the BEST Carb Nite ever!

Some other updates:
I finally got a new pair of glasses frame ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday I went to my friend’s daughter’s 1st birthday party.

I perfectly knew there would be hardly anything I could eat besides the salad and the hardboiled eggs. Luckily I had some pumpkin leftover and I made this Crustless Pumpkin Pie (recipe here)

It was my first attempt and I was crossing my fingers how it turned out! I took 2 slices and it tasted pretty good to me. Luckily my friend’s mom told me she LOVED it and even hid the rest of the pie.

Today I tried out this Chinese Crispy Pork Belly recipe aka Siu Yuk and it turned out not bad at all!

Made my own Coconut butter

I’ve seen people making this egg cup with deli meats so today I decided to make some for my weekday in between snacks. I realize I totally lacking of protein and fat snack to tide me over until my next meal. These should be good.

How’s everything?

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