
Happy New Year 2013 everyone! First of all I’d like to thank you for all of your support and reading this little tiny blog of mine with my various ramblings which sometimes might not make that much sense to you…haha!

So how does this year 2013 has become for you? Did you make any typical new year resolutions, goals, intentions etc?

I am not a typical person to make a new year resolutions thing but I do have sort of goal in my mind. It’s something that I came up when I did my last workout at LBKC.

Currently I am on Carb Nite protocol and so far I’ve been liking it. Today will be my 7th Carb Nite (can’t wait for the carb feast!) and I feel like my body starts shaping to the direction that I like.

I used to a bit obsessed getting a super ripped body like these fitness models.


In order to achieve those kind of figure, body fat needs to be very low.Well it’s not bad to have some kind of image goal, right? But it will be a problem when I’m become obsessed with it. So I make a little shift.

My goal now is to focus on getting more strength and muscles!

I’ve come up with this determination when I got to push 275 lbs. sled 4 laps (20 yards per lap). It wasn’t an easy push but the satisfaction when I reached to the end of the lap gave me that satisfaction and I want to finally be able to push 4x, 5x my bodyweight! Or do a strict unassisted pull ups! Or do a handstand!


Those are the keywords of my goal.

What is your 2013 determination and goal and how did you come up with? Please do share!

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