The Week in Pictures
Happy Mother’s Day to all the fabulous moms out there 🙂
My mom is not here with me but she’ll come next Sunday with my dad for my brother’s graduation ceremony. Besides in Indonesia, Mother’s Day is on December 22. Anyway, we had a nice dinner yesterday at my in-laws place.
Avert your eyes if you don’t want to see my off-road Paleo eats. Yes I ingested all kinds of sugar, soy, gluten and grains but I don’t care. Besides it’s once in a while thing and the next day I jump back on the clean paleo eating wagon. See no need to stress over little stuff. And I admit, those bbq pork skin are very yummy. 😀 Plus father-in-law’s homemade fish noodles is worth it.
Our weather has been pretty nice lately so I’ve taken advantage to have my lunch under sunshine to soak up Vitamin D as much as possible. I’ve been taking Fermented Cod Liver Oil/Butter Oil blend for almost 2 months plus Vitamin D3 supplements to increased my Vitamin D3 level so hopefully extra sunshine will help as well.
Guess what? I’m doing 50 Burpees per day for 50 Days Challenge..AGAIN! 😀 Yup, I’m that insane. I even want to burpee this train platform..haha!
And I am also happy that I finally found another great trainer, Tatianna from Loving Fit. I’ve been doing some of her workout and her workout routine and have been feeling great! I could feel my strength increased even though I add more rest days. Apparently more doesn’t always better, don’t you think? In addition, I also incorporate Zuzana’s ZWOW workout as well. Gosh it’s just so many great workout videos out there but so little time to do them! Ugh!
In addition to that, I also have these daily stairs that I have to go thru everyday to work. 😀
Remember the kimchee incident a while back? Well after a while, I braved myself to eat them again, and guess what? No stomachache! I think I know what’s the limit 🙂
I was bored while waiting at the doctor’s office so I snapped this picture. I bet it’ll be useful for me to learn more about our digestive system and any digestive system disease related.
Weekday breakfasts are the usual hard boiled eggs with avocados or some veggies if any.
But weekends are reserved for fried eggs/omelette 😀
Can you tell that I’m obsessed with Instagram? I just recently switched my ancient Blackberry Pearl phone to iPhone 4 and I’ve been taking a lot of pictures with it. My little Canon camera is a little abandoned sad.
Have a great Sunday everyone! For the next week or two, I might not update this blog as my parents will be here and taking over the computer room, so if you want, you could always like Delightful Taste Buds Facebook so you could follow some of my random posts/pictures..if you are interested 🙂

3 thoughts on “The Week in Pictures”
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The benefit of Asian food is that it still contains a lot of vegetables, so I think going off the road with food like that is still the better choice.
Yay for the workouts! And yes, I’ve been noticing your picture posting on fb, and enjoyed it! 😀
welcome to the iPhone! it’s the best isn’t it 😉 that train platform does look quite burpee-able! i will do burpees in prague for Zuzka this week 🙂 i am trying to drink drink drink & eat tons of fresh fruits and veggies before the trip since the czech diet is quite heavy!
Haha totally took me a while to jump to the Apple bandwagon…yup it’s totally nice, and good thing I have unlimited data plan or else I’ll be breaking my bank soon 😀 I am soo looking forward to your trip to Prague post and pics! 😀