Whole30: The Last 2 Days
Woot! The last 2 days of Whole30 and I make sure to finish these days strong. No slips and such even though on Sunday I had to go to a baby shower, which the host would provide all the food.
Yesterday, first thing first, I did my mixed up workout, again, unplanned.
Had the typical breakfast/post workout meal. I totally ate sweet potatoes as my post workout reward.
Then I got busy in the kitchen to make Oven Fried Curried Chicken Fingers.
The host didn’t mention anything about bringing food, but since I knew that I might not have much Whole30 compliant options, I better off bringing something that I could have so I wouldn’t look like an outcast. Also in order to keep me safe, I actually had a little meal prior going there.
The baby shower was nice. My friend would expect a baby girl so you could see all this girly theme all around.

Lots of food which sadly I’d say totally OUT from Whole30. Thank goodness I actually ate first prior coming, or I’d be quite tempted to try some of these. A lot of deep fried stuff, which I wouldn’t mind to have a little bit if I’m not on Whole30.

As I thought I’d be totally couldn’t eat anything the host provided, thank goodness for this Tom Yum soup! At least I won’t look total awkward for not touching anything besides the one I brought!
A bit off for not having any of the sweets. They look pretty though. The black forest was homemade by my friend’s cousin’s husband who’s a French restaurant chef.
But I totally dig in to those strawberries around the cake! 😀
Overall it was nice to catch up with my friend again. I haven’t seen her for quite a while even though we actually don’t live far from each other. She’s one of my high school friend from Indo. I’m totally happy that everyone told me they enjoyed the chicken fingers that I brought. Little did I know the dish that I brought actually blended really nicely with their fried stuff although mine was totally not fried and much healthier because of the coconut. One thing that kinda bummed, there WEREN’T ANY salads or vegetable dish. Everything either sweets, carby or deep fried.
OH well thank goodness I brought my own dish.
After I came back home, I quickly made some green beef sliders inspired by Nom Nom Paleo’s recipe.
Dinner and this was also what I had for today’s lunch!
I forgot to take picture of my breakfast, but it looked something like this (minus the avocado and I had 2 slices of Applegate Farms Roast Beef)
Prior lunch I got kinda hungry so I snacked on a small pack of Primal Pacs. My stash is dangerously low so I might have to order some soon.
After I enjoyed my lunch while bathing under the sunlight to get a good dose of Vitamin D, I also munched on a small tangerine.
When I came back home, I cranked up 50 Burpees before dinner. I’d say I could string 12 burpees within 1 minute in proper forms!
Hubby K cooked all of these food. DELISH!
Veggie soup cooked in Homemade Chicken Broth
Bell pepper ground beef
Steamed veggies
For dessert, we had some grapes and star fruits. I haven’t had star fruits for a while and this one came from Hubby K’s uncle’s backyard. 100 organic!
To give you an idea, I didn’t meticulously cut the fruit into star shape. This is how it looks like as a whole.
But I’m glad if you thought I cut those fruit into star shapes..haha!
Yay, I’m happy that I’m done with Whole30!

4 thoughts on “Whole30: The Last 2 Days”
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You have a lot of willpower, that food looks amazing. Especially the cakes, the strawberry one is SO CUTE!
Holy cow! You have fresh starfruit! Jealous!!!
LOL..funny how I used not like it much back in Indo now I think I like those..especially made in salad with cucumber, tomatoes, kiwi, a bit salt and pepper, avocado oil and lemon juice..YUM!
You blog and Nom Nom are my favorite paleo blogs. Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work!