Whole30 Week 4: The End is Near
The last week of Whole30 and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ok no, it’s not like I’m hoping to indulge in any sugary and processed junks but there are certain things that I do miss during this Whole30. Bacon and cheddar cheese anyone? 😛
As I mentioned at previous post, I’m thinking of changing my workout routine a bit. Getting up at 4:30 am every single day to workout and “the pressure” to finish by certain time so I won’t be late catching the early train is pretty draining after a while.
So this week I took complete 2 rest days (Tuesday and Wednesday) (postponing 50 Burpees for 50 Days Challenge) and on Thursday, I resumed 50 Burpees and on Friday I did ZWOD #2 after I came back from work since it was a half day work.
Today I hit it hard again! It was quite fun to come up with my own workout…quite refreshing and I just did it on the run, not pre-plan it the night before.
In short, I might just working out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and during weekday, I’ll just find sometime to do the 50 Burpees for 50 Days Challenge. Besides I do get some opportunity to sprint to catch my next ride, climbing stairs and walking to the office. Not too shabby, right?
Anyway, breakfast today was something quite familiar (this was old pic, but almost similar..just minus the avocado and I had Japanese yam instead of purple yam)
Then we headed out to Target for my optometrist appointment. I’m so glad I could convince her to keep my old prescriptions and contact lens so I don’t have to get another pair of glasses. I’ve been on this prescriptions for the past 4-5 years and my eyesight has been pretty stable. Since we were at Target, I bought some gift to bring for tomorrow’s baby shower. Another friend of mine is expecting a baby girl this coming March.
Afterward we did our partial grocery shopping at Sprouts and Superking Market to stock up some spices, meat and some vegetables and fruits. Hubby K will go to his parents house tonight for dinner and since they live in Asian area, there are tons of Asian grocery stores so we usually get our Asian vegetables there.
Came back home we promptly started cooking lunch already. I was super happy that Sprouts was having sale on brussel sprouts so I bought a bag and made Roasted Brussel Sprouts which turned out YUMMY!
It was my FIRST time having fresh brussel sprouts and they are way yummier than the frozen ones! The frozen ones had that bitter taste which I dislike. I’m totally getting more of these before the sale ends on Wednesday!
Hubby K cooked the chicken meat which I marinated with lemon juice, salt, pepper and tandoori seasonings.
Steamed some broccoli
I made some cucumber salad with tomatoes, kiwi, black pepper, dash of salt, avocado oil and lemon juice. So refreshing!
We had left over so it might serve as my dinner as well.
“Desserts” after lunch was fruits (grapes and blueberries)
Then I spent the entire afternoon vacuuming. It’s very overdue, seriously.
I also marinated some chicken meat to make Oven Fried Curried Chicken Fingers to bring to the baby shower tomorrow. I know she didn’t mention about bringing food but I just wanna be on the safe side in case there’s not much Whole30 friendly food there.
Lately I found some sort of Whole30 friendly snacks at a local Asian grocery market. It was surprising how a small grocery store carries some organic snacks like these!
Organic chestnuts and organic dried sweet potatoes? Can you tell I’m totally in heaven now? Seriously these stuffs are DANGEROUS. The ingredients are very Paleo friendly! Just one ingredient! Oh I’m totally overjoyed!
The dried sweet potatoes are ok..a bit rubbery to me. Almost taste like dried mango, only LESS SWEET and a bit bland. I think I’d stick with fresh sweet potatoes.
Another favorite snack that I’ve been having lately is this Coconut Chips!
I’ve made it the original way (salt and cinnamon) and garlicky flavor (salt & garlic powder) – DELISH!
But on the other hand, I tried to keep my snacking in minimum quantity, at least be mindful about it. Even though they’re totally Whole30 approved but going crazy over them will defeat the whole purpose of Whole30.
So my Whole30 Week 4 Eats were still in check.
2 more days to go then I’m DONE!
What’s your workout routine or what do you consider as part of working out? It doesn’t have to be an actual workout.

6 thoughts on “Whole30 Week 4: The End is Near”
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The kiwi salad looks awesome!
MAJOR drooling over here! 😀
But seriously, I can’t believe you spent an entire afternoon vacuum cleaning! I mean, I should vacuum clean myself (lalala), but it won’t take longer than 10 minutes. A whole afternoon of housework would make me lose my mind, haha.
Sounds like you’re doing a totally awesome job of embracing both the “rules” and the spirit of the Whole30. Good for you! Thanks for the shout out to my Caramelized Coconut Chips recipe. The photo is beautiful!
Thanks Mel! I totally dig in to this coconut chips…and it’s such a brilliant idea that I just had to give you a shout out. 🙂
a tip on the frozen brussel sprouts, if you blanch them in hot water first then roast them they come out a bit tastier and less bitter 🙂 i aim to workout 2 work mornings and then sat/sun to make 4x weekly. sometimes i only get 3 workouts (like this week!) but i feel that eating well every day is more important to feeling/looking good. i do like to sweat but it also makes me very very hungry! so this seems to work for me. i was working out 5-6x bodyrocking last summer and ended up putting on more muscle than i wanted but now i’m back down to the size i want to stay at and maintain.
Thanks for the tips! I’ll keep that in mind.