Oooh…How I’ve Missed You!!
Today was my first day of my post Whole30, so did I do anything differently?
Well, not much actually except that I took it a bit easy exercise-wise because tomorrow I’ll start hitting it hard again. I still spent 2 rounds of 4 minute skipping though (first round was high knees and second was jump rope jack) plus I practiced more doing double unders.
Total active workout time was 15 minutes but at least I got some good sweat. Not sure why, but I really feel like if I don’t get sweaty for one day, I just felt too sedentary and I don’t like the feel of it. Besides, remember how I didn’t have any sweet potatoes yesterday?
Yeah, you could say that I missed my sweet potato breakfast so I did some workout before hand just to be able to enjoy it.
Other thing that I missed SO MUCH during my Whole30? My morning tea!!!
It wasn’t part of official Whole30 but I just wanted to give it a try to give it up in the middle of my Whole30 and surely it made me kinda sad, although over the course of time I could deal with it. I am not a total tea addict and only drink them prior noon or I’d have trouble sleeping.
I met up with a bunch of my friends for lunch at Olive Garden and prior going, I did my homework first so I knew what to order 🙂 Ordering Paleo meal at an Italian restaurant surely tricky but not impossible. Heck, you could even do it Whole30 style as well! I know I’m not on Whole30 anymore, but I didn’t say I’d stop, right?
Drinks? Just pure H20 without ice with lemon wedges in there 😀
Others ordered some raspberry lemonade or strawberry smoothie, which looked pretty, but I don’t think I need sugary drinks to spike up my insulin.
Every entree came with an unlimited salad so I requested mine to be crouton and cheese free with dressing on the side which I didn’t touch. Instead I requested them to give me olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
As a good cave girl, I ordered their Steak Toscano, 12 oz center cut strip Steak with a side of grilled veggies. At first, it came with grilled potatoes. Not sure why even though I clearly asked them for grilled zucchini. Turned out the waitress was confusing it with some other dish so she thought the dish came with grilled veggies by default. Oh well, good thing they didn’t mind switching the potatoes with grilled veggies. I just hoped they didn’t spit on my dish.

Originally I thought not many would be able to make it to this gathering but surprisingly most people actually showed up. It was good to catch up with some people who I haven’t seen for a while. 3 of my friends had kids so sometimes conversation could get a little awkward, especially if they were talking about kiddie stuff. I felt a bit left off but I didn’t let it bother me. I’m not a big fan of kids but once in a while it’s fun to see them.
After ward we bid farewell and I came back home and just sat in front my laptop doing some mindless browsing and watching. Gosh, how I missed my desktop computer so much!

As an afternoon snack, I was having a red plum – so juicy and delicious!
I’ve been hooked on watching some old TV series that I used to watch when I was little. It was some kind of Asian martial arts and for those of you who grew up in Asia, most likely you’d know all about The Legend of Condor Heroes 😀 Yeah, I’m such a dork! But it’s kinda nostalgic watching something that you used to watch before! Although they’ve made newer versions of this same story, I still enjoyed watching the old version from 1982. It’s just classic!
For dinner, I decided to treat myself a bit by having this!
OOOH BACOOOOOOON!! How I’ve missed you so much! You always made plain dish turned out delicious! Like this stir fry bok choy!
Believe me, I ended up devoured the entire plate of this veggie dish even after I had my dinner plate
I know, I know I owe you all with my Whole30 experience review, but please bear with me. Although I have a rough draft written up, I still have to compose it a bit so you won’t get lost while reading it. 😀
Do you like re-watching some of your old favorite show, even though the scenery might look so outdated compared to the newer versions?

4 thoughts on “Oooh…How I’ve Missed You!!”
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I’m absolutely nostalgic when it comes to old movies and TV shows. The newer remakes just don’t have the same flair. 🙂
I couldn’t live without my tea. But I think I should drink more water with lemon wedges. 🙂
wow sorry to hear about the computer woes! that sounds incredibly frustrating! i’m starting my whole30 today. i’m going to see what no sneaking in oats or goat yogurt now and then will make in improving my overall gut health and/or body composition. i’ve decided to keep fruit limited as it tends to make me want sweet things! i’m stealing your post workout yam trick (got a huge bag at TJs 🙂 i love the sweetness of them and that will keep my craving for fruit at bay. i’m not eliminating coffee or tea (i drink much more tea than coffee anyway). i can do this!
Congrats on finishing! I can’t imagine giving up tea! I am a huge tea addict and always have been 🙂 I love green, herbal and rooibos tea, I do not drink coffee. I can’t imagine only drinking water! And since yesterday I love my homemade almond milk!! 🙂
I am 15 days in (halfway there, yay), looking gooood, staying strooong, loving it 🙂 I will go on after 30 days, but I will enjoy some occasional treats, I think. Very occasional 🙂
I love FRIENDS! I can watch them over and over again, I love how weirdly dressed they are in season 1, and those hairstyles 😀 Crazy! 😀