Gosh, it was another hot and humid day again..d’oh it’s summertime so what am I kidding here?

It was tempting enough not to working out in this hot humid weather, but I stayed strong and did my workout of the day. I was so sweaty and hot afterward that I preferred to have a nice cold breakfast/post workout dish: leftover chicken breast meat from yesterday’s Baked Taco Chicken, raw zucchini noodles seasoned with Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute and chopped baked sweet potatoes.

Last week I bought a giant yucca root so I planned to make some yucca chips later afternoon by steaming them for about 15 minutes first.

Wednesday is a double coupon savings day at Henry’s Market/Sprouts Market so I drove down there to pick up some groceries and also found my new love: sauerkraut.

The ingredients are very simple: white cabbage and salt! What can be more Paleo compliant than this?

Since Hubby K won’t be home for both lunch and dinner plus Brother A made himself some noodle dish, I pan fried some chicken breasts which I marinated with The C-Seasonings as my protein.

I sliced the steamed yucca roots, drizzled them with coconut oil, salt then roasted them for about 20 minutes in 350°F -flip them halfway through.

For veggie dish, I kept it simple by washing and chopping organic romaine lettuce plus 2 chopped tomatoes cooked in Balsamic Vinegar reduction. Then I opened the newly bought sauerkraut, my lunch was divine!

By the time I finished my lunch, the yucca chips were also done. Gosh these are super good! I think I had about 9 slices of these. Uh..oh..gotta watch out not to pig out on these goodies.

And since I was home alone for dinner (again), the lazy me (blame this hot weather) just took out sauerkraut and a piece of chicken from lunch from the fridge and called this a dinner. Besides I wasn’t feeling that hungry (those yucca chips are surely filling) but I think I better ate a little bit of I’d be hungry much later tonight.

Whole30: Day 6: I love sauerkraut and wonder why I didn’t try this fermented veggies sooner.

Any fermented veggies do you like?
I’ve tried kimchi (Korean fermented nappa cabbage), Chinese fermented mustard leaves (my mom made these in Indo and it was soo good!), and now sauerkraut. I love fermented veggies in general. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, I have tart taste buds 🙂 I love sour and tangy taste!

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