Super Slow
While I was writing this post, I was filling up an online form to renew my passport (I’m only a GC holder so still need my Indo passport if I want to travel outside of the US). However, that stupid server was so 1997- kept giving me time out and I was almost DONE with the form..just need to upload the picture! Guess what? It was time out and I had to start filling everything..ALL.OVER. AGAIN. Gosh!
Not to mention how slow that connection as well.
Anyway, what did I have today after my morning workout?
Just like yesterday, I combined my post-workout meal (sweet potatoes/tubers) with my breakfast. And I made one for Hubby K as well.

I topped my lunch with this avocado.
Super sweet orange from Farmer’s Market as my dessert.
Apparently, I might a bit under-packed my lunch today as I was still a bit wee hungry afterward. Fear not, this came in handy!
Work was a bit busy and I finally got a chance to learn some new script to implement to my project. Took me almost a whole day to figure it out, but it works, although I think I should be able to figure out how to make it works to the way I want it to be.
Dinner was something that you should be familiar with 🙂
Lotus Root Soup
Sliced whole avocado, steamed broccoli and 3 slices of char siew
Ok, apparently that passport application server was totally DIED. Sigh…I need to refill the entire form again. Geez, I guess I’m spoiled now. When we first got an internet decades ago back in Indonesia, we were using 56k dial up connection and we were super happy already. I can’t imagine how to browse the internet with that kind of connection now. I barely could tolerate when a page takes more than 1/2 second to load.
Alright have a good night!

5 thoughts on “Super Slow”
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Mmmmmm, there’s the lotus root soup again! 😀 Did you make it the same way as last time? It looks slightly different, somehow darker.
I hope you’ll get your passport valid again soon! Administrative stuff often sucks so much! 🙁
Filling out any sort of document papers is a pain in the behind, Internet or not. Which by the way, thanks for remi ding me that I have to renew my passport too. Omg, I remember the 56k dial up connection. Everytime I tried calling home I’d get a busy signal b/c someone would be using the Internet at home. Hated that so much!
Ah busy signals…yea I remember that as well..Geez, it’s amazing how fast technology has evolved