I’m sorry for the lack of updates on this blog lately, mostly it’s due to my laziness, lack of inspiration or just purely lazy (oh wait, I already mentioned that). Since I was mostly out during weekend, lots of chores got held back and that includes meal preparation. But didn’t you just have extra days off so you shouldn’t have any excuse not being on top of the game, right, you asked.

Uh yeah, you got the point. But again, it’s due to my laziness…(didn’t I just make myself clear?)

Anyway, onto the food then.

Breakfast for the past 3 days or so

I’ve been eating my b-fast/post workout snack cold ever since our microwave broke (self note: need to call GE to find out if we’re still under warranty). Prior starting my morning workout, I took out the food from the fridge so it’ll be at least room temperature by the time I am done. Perfect!

Steaming to warm up the food is usually our method.

Lunch pretty much whatever I cooked last time plus some veggies and also my favorite go to failed proof Roasted Curried Cauliflower (I can’t thank Nom Nom Paleo enough to share this recipe). It has become my cauliflower staple dish, more than the Mashed Cauliflower- because you know why? Roasted Cauliflower require only 1 dish, while mashing it will require more than that.

And I’ve been snacking coconut flakes in between meals.

Gosh this thing is super addicting, but I really MISS my macadamia nuts (self note: need to get more – probably the unsalted ones or I’ll devour half of the container in one sitting)

I think i should give myself a little credit for not completely being super lazy, because I actually do lots of cooking for the past couple days. I finally made my favorite Indonesian Style Fried Chicken – though I had to modify it become Braised-to-Oven Fried Chicken.

Or if you prefer to skip the mumbo jumbo spices, you can try the Oven Fried Curried Chicken Fingers. Much easier and simpler!

Also I haven’t slacked off from my daily workout as well…so far. This week is 5 workout days straight. Yay 2 more days till Friday!

I saw lotus roots were on sale at 99 Ranch Market last Saturday (88 cents/lbs?? – SCORE!) and they look very fresh as well. Tips on picking lotus root: always look for the lighter colored one and fatty shape. The rounder and lighter they are, the better!

No need to peel off the entire skin completely, just scrape it off with the knife

What did I do? Of course making Lotus Root Soup with my homemade chicken broth with my pressure cooker!
This time I added 3-4 chinese dried red dates into the stock but didn’t add in any dried scallops cause I ran out. It still turned out yummy!

We have SUMMER weather this week (low 90s!) and I’m having a hot soup, haha! Maybe I should look for other cool dish recipes.

Btw, one of my co-worker, let’s call him Jedi mentioned his CrossFit gym is doing 60 day Paleo diet challenge. Gosh, I was so happy that I finally could talk about Paleo with other person beside Hubby K (I’m sure he’s sick and tired hearing me preaching him to switch over to Paleo, which might explain why he went out to have dinner today instead- but then came back home he complained the 2 Whopper burgers were way too greasy to him..haha). Jedi actually felt happy as well that he won’t feel alienated. We talked bunch of paleo stuff like nobody’s business. It’s one thing when talking about Paleo to other people who has no general idea about it than talking to other who’s actually also on the same side. I know I could talk about Paleo on the blog but talking with someone in flesh has a different effect. It becomes my highlight of this week 😀

What’s your favorite summer food?
Mine will be chilled yogurt with fresh berries!

Have a great week!

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