Tag: salad
TomaGua Salad
I came up with this salad combo on the whim when I was puttering in the kitchen preparing food and at the last minute realized I haven’t prepared any veggie side dish yet. Oops. So I looked into my pantry and just gathered whatever would make a quick salad fix without much effort. Ingredients: 4 […]
Continue Reading...Summer Rainbow “Noodles”
I’ve been wanting to make this super easy yet refreshing salad “noodles” for a while, especially since I got this toy julienne peeler. (Have you got yours yet? Get it from an Asian market) This julienne peeler is the best $1 investment I’ve ever made 😀 Summer Rainbow “Noodles” Ingredients: 1 carrot 1 zucchini 1 […]
Continue Reading...Omega-3 and Cassava Facts
Happy long weekend for those who are in the US as this coming Monday is Memorial Day Holiday. What are you up to? I’m going to hang out with my gals tomorrow lunch as part of our usual monthly gathering and also to celebrate two of our friends’ birthdays Ay and Yen (obviously not their […]
Continue Reading...Reorganizing
Hi everyone, how’s your Monday going? Not much going on today, except I finally updated my recipe page. Go take a look when you got a chance 🙂 I added and organize the recipes by categories and subcategories. Hopefully it will make it easier for people to search some specific recipes. I realized I actually […]
Continue Reading...Stuck on my chair
Well, not exactly, but 90% of my activity today was watching anime online. I used to like anime (Japanese cartoon) a lot in the past, now it has been decreased a lot since there were not many good anime around. Anyway, we went to the beach this morning for our usual jog/walk/run whatever you wanted […]