One Day Trip Getaway

Living Primal/Paleo doesn’t always associate with food choice and working out. What’s the point of eating healthy and exercise if you’re not enjoying your life to the fullest? I realized all of this time I’ve never really taken one day to just get out from the regular chores and just relaxing. Yesterday, Hubby K and […]

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Birthday Gifts

Dearest hubby K, Happy Birthday! I know you’re pretty sensitive for getting a year older that you even had hard time sleeping last night so I understand that you had to sleep in today. And I didn’t mind you woke me up earlier this morning to keep you company until you could fall asleep and […]

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Hard Boiled Eggs Stew

Hard Boiled Eggs Stew (or in Indonesian we called it “telor balado“) is one of my childhood favorite food. Usually it’s kinda sweet, sour and a bit spicy at the same time. Originally the recipe calls for tamarind paste (legume) and palm sugar, two ingredients that are not Paleo/Primal compliant. So today I experimented in […]

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