About Me
Hello and welcome to my little humble blog.

When I first started this blog, it was meant only for a food blog, but then after a while writing only about food bored me and I decided to be more of a personal blog.
And now I decided to share a little bit about my journey into a healthy and fit living lifestyle.
I was never an exerciser nor an active person. You could say I was that kid who just sat quietly in the corner instead of playing with the other kids.
Fast forward to end of 2009, I came across to Fitbomb.com where he documented his P90X journey. That inspired me to be active and started my very first online blog, which now becomes my online training log.
So that the beginning of my fitness journey by doing P90X at home.
Later of the year, I stumbled upon Zuzka Light (formerly a host at Bodyrock.tv and now ZuzkaLight.com)Β Her lean and muscular figure amazed me and this was the beginning of interest into strength training. But just like typical women, I still wasn’t quite convinced about heavy lifting and focused more on doing tons of cardio.

In late 2010/early 2011, I discovered Paleo/Primal diet. You could say I started to hear about it from Fitbomb.com. It intrigued me but I still wasn’t keen on consuming saturated fat. If you looked at my older posts on this blog, you will find most of my entries were full of whole grains, some animal protein, quite a bit of SOY and very minimal fat. Not to mention, I was sort of following Zuzka Light’s diet approach. Even worse, I was even considering going on vegetarian and even (gasp!) vegan! Until now I still couldn’t believe how I almost got into that bandwagon (THANK GOODNESS I didn’t!)

Side note: I don’t mean to bash anyone who is following vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I basically just shared that vegetarian/vegan isn’t for me..AT ALL. Now back to the story!
Then I started to get into knowing a community that evolves around Zuzana and got invited into this Facebook group called WarriorZ (it’s a closed group so you need to be part of the group to see the content).
It is a fun group, full of people who are fitness enthusiasts and professionals. Then I got to know DebbyK and that’s when I started to view fitness and nutrition into a different level.
Around late 2012, Debby introduced me to Carb Nite® Solution which is basically a cyclic ketogenic diet protocol (CKD). Long story short, it’s a protocol of staying ultra low carb (ULC) for 5-7 days (under 30gr net carb – all from veggies, no sugar/starch) and splurge on starchy carbs on 7th day at dinner time. Here’s a blog post where I first started.
I’ve been getting good results under her coaching. You can read my ongoing testimonial here.
In addition, knowing Debby also taught me a lot in terms of working out, especially weight lifting. She also directed me to fitness professionals that we could trust: such as Marianne Kane, Bret Contreras, Eric Cressey just to name a few.
Not too long after I started my weight lifting, I joined a commercial gym and then a Kettlebell gym where I met Eric, an IKFF certified kettlebell trainer and I’ve been doing it ever since (Thanks to Jeff Sokol, whom I “met” at WarriorZ Facebook group for getting me interested in kettlebell). Here’s my post of my first fundamental Kettlebell session.

The year of 2013 was really my turning point of fitness and health journey.
Here’s a little recap of my 2013 journey.
With this blog, I want to share my lifestyle and journey to be healthy. And of course I’d share some of my recipes as well. My recipes are usually super simple and yet healthy at the same time.
And last but not least, whatever I wrote here are basically my personal opinion. No single diet plan/exercise plan will work for every single person. Everyone is different. Also I’m not an expert in nutrition nor fitness so please consult these matters to the experts. π
PS: Though I intend to keep this blog fun and positive, there are times that I’ll post some of my rants. I’m just a regular person who has ups and downs in her life. But that what makes our life interesting, right? π
Thanks for reading! π