Experiment Gone Right
Hi Everyone!
I just realized that my new theme screwing up my Disqus commenting system and this frustrates me a lot. Hopefully Disqus staff would get back to me and resolve this. In the meantime, I just need to be content with default WP commenting system.
Anyway let’s talk about the good stuff.
Last week we were hit with a crazy heatwave in SoCal. Very hot and humid! NO BUENO! In fact I thought Las Vegas weather was even better than this!
As you might have known, once in a while my friends and I gather to catch up and celebrating whoever’s birthday of the month. Last Sunday it was to celebrate J & GR September birthdays plus J’s recent engagement. Unfortunately GR couldn’t make it to the gathering because her husband had to go to a last minute business trip and by being pregnant and almost due, she didn’t feel like driving 30 miles along with her 2 young boys. So in the end, we just celebrated J’s birthday and her recent engagement to G.
The organizer, M, specifically requested me to bake a special Paleo friendly cake for J’s engagement since G, her fiance is also paleo, thanks to me..haha (there’s another story behind it but I’ll save it for later).
I was like…HMM..OK! I don’t usually make sweets during my ULC (ultra-low carb) days as I’ve explained here. I still adhere to that principle but lately I’ve given myself a little lee-way regarding making ULC sweet treats but I’ll talk about it more on another post.
So this will be my VERY FIRST time baking ULC sweets for other people to enjoy! Honestly, I was a bit nervous. Being in Cyclic Keto lifestyle such as Carb Nite® Solution for almost a year (and LOVING THE PROGRESS), baking sweet treats isn’t the same as baking usual Paleo sweets. I’ve explained how Carb Nite Solution and Paleo are different.
Initially, I was going to make Chocolate Cake. I experimented with single serving portion recipe first.
Those look super pretty and very presentable. Unfortunately, the taste wasn’t…..at least it won’t pass with regular folks who’ve been consuming sugar regularly. My hubby said it would be way too bitter for them so I scrapped this plan.
On Sunday morning, I finally decided to make lemon cake. It was a very last minute decision. I didn’t have time to experiment with single recipe so I went ahead make a full recipe.
The result?

I promise I will post the Lemon Cake recipe on this blog soon.
Stay tuned! 🙂

One thought on “Experiment Gone Right”
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That’s so nice to gather for birthdays in the friends’ circle! I miss that because I live so far away from most of my friends now. Happy the cake turned out well! 🙂