Steel, Stone & Sugar
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and wishes on my last post. It surely nice to be back and active on the blog again. I am trying to at least updating this blog once a week. *fingers crossed*
I had a great weekend, especially Saturday. It was quite tiring but quite awesome as well. I had a 6 hour Steel, Stone and Sugar workshop at Long Beach Kettlebell gym covering Power Mace Training, Power Lifting and Sport Kettlebell.
Here’s the promo video:
Some pictures that I took yesterday:
Rik Brown’s Power Mace Demo:
Melody Schoenfeld demonstrating Power Lifting – Deadlift. Now I know there are 3 types of Deadlifting- Conventional, Sumo and Jefferson. Uhm..I don’t think I like Jefferson one as much.
And Eric Doyle, my Kettlebell trainer demonstrating Sport Style Kettlebell.

This workshop was awesome. It wasn’t a sit down of workshop where we just watched the presenter did the demo. The attendees were actually put into doing some workouts!
Melody made us did the 1 minute wall sit and push ups!

By the end of the workshop, I was totally pooped! It didn’t help that prior of this workshop, I did my Glutes & Legs workout. Apparently yesterday totally kicked my butt – literally. My butt is quite sore and tight today, which hasn’t happened for quite sometime. But it’s not as bad that I can’t sit or get up.
Have you attended a training workshop before?

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I haven’t taken a training workshop, and I’m totally unexperienced with kettleball! 😀 I want to get back to some regular strength training though, as I really need to do something for my back.