Need to Learn How to Relax
First of all, I’d like to thank Kath and Daphne for all the great suggestions for my stiff neck. I am still feeling it a bit, though I could turn my head to left side more.
Today I decided to take it easy and did some yoga to stretch out my stiff neck, instead of doing an actual workout didn’t do any workout. I need to stop feeling guilty for not working out regularly lately. Putting stress on myself won’t do me any good. Easy to say, hard to do. Even while typing this, there’s still a voice at the back of my head telling me I’m a loser. Shut it!
Yesterday I was a cooking mania – cooked 3 dishes almost the same time. Say what? During weekday after work and still could enjoy dinner before 8 pm?
I started off with the Coconut & Spices Beef Stew (with coconut milk, nutmeg, coriander and bay leaves).
Stir Fry Chinese greens with leftover Roasted Curried Cauliflower
Made Pan Seared Taco Salmons (salmon rubbed with taco seasonings and some salt- super easy and tasty!)
I was going to enjoy my Butternut Squash soup, only to find out it’s spoiled (tasted sour) and I had to throw them away! *sad*

But I remembered I still have 2 containers in the freezer and crossing my fingers those are still okay.
While enjoying the dinner, the Beef Stew and Steamed Whole Chicken were still cooking on the stove and Baked Spicy Curry Masala Chicken Legs in the oven
After dinner, I made another batch of emergency protein – Organic 100% Grass Fed Ground Beef seasoned with onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, coriander, Italian seasonings, salt, pepper, chili powder and parsley.
In the end, I got 4 kinds of protein ready to be stocked in the fridge for a couple meals.
Two of the chicken legs went into my lunch box today
So my dinner today pretty much any protein from those plus steamed broccoli.
And I also made Seafood Mix Soup made with chicken stock that I got from the Steamed Whole Chicken.
Plus baked yucca root!
I grew up eating this in Indo long time ago – back there we called it “cassava”. I loved cassava chips, fried cassava etc. When I came to the States, I had no idea that yucca is actually cassava. Now I know and planning to get more of these and make more baked yucca fries! 😀
What’s your favorite way of eating cassava/yucca?
Do you ever feel “guilty” for not getting your tasks done and how do you talk yourself out from it?
Have a great night!