Rainy days, I heart plantain chips and free lunch at Chipotle
After I posted a quite not so nice post last time, I think it’s time to lighten up the mood a bit, shall we (as usual THANKS for the great comments btw)? Despite the rainy days in LA lately, this week has gone pretty well for me.
I know some people don’t like rain and cloudy days as much, but for me I enjoy it *cough* *cough* as long I don’t have to drive in the rain *cough* *cough*
The best part of cold weather, I enjoy having this warm chocolate almond milk early morning before work.
A nice dinner at my in-law place on Sunday night.

But not so good part of cold weather, I got hungrier than usual.

Ever since Ameena mentioned about TJ’s Plantain chips on one of my post, I’ve been craving for those, but never got time to go to TJ to get it. However, I remembered my mom mentioned she wanted me to get more boneless chicken breasts meat and Fresh & Easy was having a sale on it. The best part is, it’s on my way home.
And when I was shopping for the chicken, I saw they had samples of plantain chips. I tried it and instantly I grabbed a bag!

I’m hooked!
Savory and crispy snacks are my BIGGEST WEAKNESS! I tried so hard not to exceed a handful of those chips a day, or I’ll pay a price for it! I’m pretty sensitive to any deep fried/crispy/roasted/baked stuff. If I had too much of those I will get either canker sore, sore throat or pimples. YIKES!
Another big highlight was my company had some kind of deal with Chipotle to offer their employees a free lunch if we go there today and showed them our employee badge. WOOT!
My only question was why they didn’t pick the one nearby our office? We had to go to the other Chipotle that was at least 15 minute drive on the freeway. Oh well, who cares. At least I got my free lunch today.
I got Chipotle chicken salad.

Sorry for the crappy pic. I took it using my old Crackberry so won’t attract too much attention from my co worker.
Tummy happy, I’m happy.
Questions of the day:
1. What are your favorite snacks? Savory or sweet?
2. What’s your favorite munchies in cold and rainy weather?
3. Rainy and cold weather or sunny, hot and humid weather?
Even though I grew up in a tropical and humid country, I prefer cold and rainy weather. There’s something about cloudy weather that just calms me down. If I fee cold I always can wear more clothing, but if I’m hot, I can’t do anything besides just sit there and not moving.