A quick post before bed
Uuhm…anyone here? I’d like to do a quick post before going to bed.
First of all I just realized my last post was a bit too harsh and shocking and I’d like to apologize for that. I know this blog is my place and my rule, but sometimes I think it’s better to word some stuff a little differently. Hopefully I didn’t scare anyone off :p
Hmm….I just realized that the “negative post” wasn’t published. Instead it is still in the draft mode.LOL…no wonder I didn’t get new comments..thinking I already scared off my readers with my negative post. Oh well…in some ways I’m glad I didn’t post it.
To recap my weekend, seems like my bro condition gets better after he got 2 additional medication. But I don’t want to be too hopeful with it yet. I want to give at least one week to see the progress. If his fever is not getting that high for the next 7 days, then it’s safe to say he’s definitely shows more progress.
Fingers crossed.
It’s Sunday night…and tomorrow back to work..ugh..
30 projects to finish….this week..ugh..
*sigh* I can’t wait for another weekend to come..
Question of the day: Do you let people that you know in person about your blog? If you do, why? If not, why?
Personally for me, I tend not to let people that I know in person (hubby is the only exception) know about my blog. For some reason, I’m sort of “scared” that they’ll see me and judging me differently from what they’ve known me. I know some of my friends know about the blog because my hubby blurted out about me being a food blogger. Well I used to be a food blogger or intended to be, until I reached to the point that blogging solely about food is not as interesting as blogging about my life and thoughts. Also blogging about my thoughts make my blogging world more interesting. I can talk about myself more and my readers will get to know me more. Since the readers didn’t know me in person before, they won’t have a pre-perception about me – at least that’s what I think.
Sorry for the pictureless post…hope you don’t mind 🙂