It has been a week since I posted but it felt I haven’t updated this blog FOREVER. A lot of things have been happening for the past week. We’ve been going back and forward to the doctor’s office, getting medicine here and there..and not to mention we had to take care of my sick brother.

rice congee with soft boiled egg topped with a bit of soy sauce and a glass of soymilk - an example of my brother's breakfast food
made this lunch for him - and he finished this one! There were couple dishes that we made and he didn't even finish it
Drank these chinese herb/medicine to help his lungs recover

Anyway after a couple of trips to doctor and got some chest X Ray, my brother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The good thing was it’s still in a very early stage, so taking bunch of antibiotics will definitely help.

Who wants to take all these pills every single day?? 🙁 I feel bad to him in some ways, but he has no choice. Has to swallow these pills for at least 6-9 months

Seriously, it took me TROUBLE getting these medications. We got the doctor’s prescriptions on Friday but the thing was he didn’t write one of the medicine’s strength (he prescribed 3 different medications). I didn’t find out about that until I got to the pharmacy. To top it off, my brother’s insurance DOESN’T cover medication! D’OH! I think I had to drive to three different pharmacies to finally find which one carries all 3 medications (from CVS, Rite-Aid and Walgreens). But then without the strength of one of the medication, my effort was useless.

We got a little persistent so we called the doctor’s office on Saturday morning, hoping someone would give us the answer, but it was pointless. K got a little uptight and he just called the doctor’s office again on Sunday afternoon, being super persistent that my brother’s temperature had gone up pretty high and we had no clue what to do. In the end they called the doctor and he spoke with him and FINALLY we got the medicine’s strength. So we quickly we drove straight to Walgreens that carried all 3 medications. It was a bit further from our place but my brother had to start the medication SOON! At least he got to take those pills starting Sunday night.

My parents’ flight arrived around 10:30 pm on Sunday night. K went pick them up while I stayed home and warmed up some food and cleaned up the kitchen a little bit. Seriously that Sunday I was super tired and I had hard time getting up the next day. My brother had another doctor’s appointment on Monday, but good thing K had a day off from work. But on Tuesday, I had to take him for another doctor’s appointment (this time is the lung specialist).

Even though my brother TB skin test turned out positive, the lung specialist wasn’t 100% convinced yet that he caught a TB. He never leaves US ever since he came 8 years ago, he never travels anywhere outside LA, and nobody that we know has TB. So, again I have to take him to the lab on Friday (tomorrow) to drop off some specimens and gets some blood test. I’ve been taking lots of half day offs from work lately, good thing my manager is cool with that as long I finished the work on time. I kinda told her a bit about my brother’s situation, though left off the details.

Ok I’m going to cut this post short for today, and as usual here are some random food pictures:

The most plain oats I've ever had! I ran out almond milk and haven't had time to make another batch. Seriously I don't like oats cooked in water..taste so BLAH
office snack - this one is okay, not quite a big fan of ginger
another office snack
first time trying this "Russian" bread- pretty good
Can't beat these Chinese red bean bread slices!!

Bought this jam - good thing is no HFCS- score that!
PB & J anyone?
my last larabar- Key Lime Pie
I've been loving this "vegan noodle" (shredded zucchini) with tomatoes stir fry

ordered some Thai food take out - we were super tired and didn't feel like cooking anything
lotus roots - anyone ever had this before? It usually cooked in a soup.
finally found sometime to make almond milk - soaked these overnight, almonds got so soft even I could peel off the skins! But I wasn't that patient to peel off one by one!
Munched on this rice crackers & mixed nuts that my parents got from the airline
typical lunch to go
my recent run - not too great but no sweat, I'll work on it.
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