Sweet Savory Tangy Oatmeal
Oh how I missed oatmeal for my breakfast!! I haven’t had any oatmeal for almost a week and almost drove me crazy! So last night my husband and I made a trip to a market to get some groceries. Last time I bought 1 lb oatmeal case so this time I bought 2 lbs! That should last me for a little while.
After finishing 1 1/2 hour yoga, I had to take a quick shower, quickly cooked the oats and cut the fruits. I washed a bit too much blackberries so what the heck I just dumped those into the oatmeal. Topped with pb and 1/2 banana, I got this Sweet Savory Tangy Oatmeal! Apparently the blackberries weren’t as sweet as the banana and pb, thus gave me this tangy taste.

Btw, what happened to the other 1/2 of the banana? I was still a bit hungry so that joined into my belly as well!
The oatmeal didn’t hold my hunger until lunch time unfortunately, but here comes LarabarĀ® Cashew Cookie to my rescue!

Taste was amazing! The bar has a lot of cashew chunks to bite on. Even though it was chewy and a bit sweet (from the dates, no added sugar), it didn’t sit heavily in my stomach and hold my hunger perfectly until my lunch time. I’d say I LOVE LARABARS for its simplicity and organic ingredients!
After lunch, I had cherries as my dessert but I didn’t eat my other fruit mix in mid afternoon as I usually do. Apparently, my lunch meal satisfied me for quite a while.

My husband prepared the dinner today because he didn’t have to go to work. Guess what? A table full of veggies with only one plate of meat (baked chicken from yesterday).

I’ve been reading Jessica’s blog a bit too much today so I craved for some egg white omelet as well. Whipped up 4 egg whites, topped with organic ketchup = HEAVENLY DINNER!
After dinner, for a dessert I had a cup of plain non fat yogurt, topped with a bit of PB, and some dried apricots. So cool and refreshing having yogurt in this warm breezy So Cal weather.