After my workout I made another big bow of oatmeal. This time I used soymilk instead of water. Turned out so good! Topped with some Kashi® GoLean® Crunch Cereal and some PB…yummy, savory and sweet together! 😀 Perfect after workout breakfast.

still too watery 🙁 but it's still good

I brought the last piece of whole wheat toast from yesterday, thinking I’d have it for my late morning snacks, but the oatmeal kept me full until lunch time. Perfect! Lunch was just simple. More lentils and 2 baked red potatoes and some baby carrots and apples. I didn’t finish the carrots because my canker sore was very painful this afternoon. This is what I got when I had a bit too much nuts. And usually if I get canker sore, it won’t heal until 2-3 weeks later. OUCH!

And more fruits at late afternoon. I swear it took a lot of efforts to chew these fruits, except for the papaya. My canker sore was hurting really badly today 🙁

Dinner was just whatever left in the fridge. I need to do more groceries tomorrow to stack up. Usually Friday is my day looking around different supermarket ads, see what’s on sale and comparing prices around and make a list. That way I won’t overbuy anything that I don’t need. Majority of the time I stick to my shopping list, but once in a while I do slip away from it. For sure I won’t shop around if I’m hungry.

edamame, boiled bok choy, raw celery, baked carrots, 2 hard boiled egg in soy sauce and left over baby carrots from lunch

I finished the edamame, baked carrots and the eggs (minus the yolks). But guess my that wasn’t quite enough so I had a bowl of low fat cottage cheese topped with papaya and a handful of Kashi® GoLean® Crunch cereal. Enjoying this while watching Desperate Housewives Season Finale on

Now I’m thinking if I should catch up watching FlashForward as well, but it’s already around 9:17 pm now. Need to get up early for the morning jog tomorrow. Guess FlashForward could wait until tomorrow?

Anyway, happy weekend everyone!

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