My hubby and I went to the beach again for our jogging. It was overcast like yesterday but this time it was actually drizzling!

Anyway, I’m loving my new pair of running shoes I got yesterday! My knees weren’t stiff at all even after jogging nonstop for about 3 miles! We just walked on the way back so total 6 miles, just like yesterday. I don’t wanna push my feet a bit too much yet but I have a feeling that these shoes will be good for me. As usual after cardio workout, I was super starving on the way home so I munched on some snack bar. No pic, sorry, I was super duper hungry that I couldn’t wait to finish the whole thing.

After I showered and cleaned up, I grabbed one of the milk custard filled bread that my in law gave yesterday. Usually I’d stay away from this white bread type, but I was super hungry, who cares! Especially paired up with a nice hot tea and in this gloomy Sunday morning, couldn’t resist that!

soft and toasted bread

hot tea in morning anyone?

That bread wasn’t enough, I was having 1 whole wheat Arabic bread w/ crunchy PB, just like yesterday! This time it was a bit on the crunchy side, because my hubby left it in the toaster a bit too long. Still good, though!

I haven’t jog for a while so after the good breakfast and 3 cups of tea, I still fell asleep on the dining table. Just a quick 5 minute nap did the trick! Not sure if my legs and butt will be sore tomorrow, but this morning workout made me feel good!

Remember the bell peppers I got from yesterday? This time I made a vegetarian style! Turned out as yummy as the fish dish one!

red, green, yellow - traffic light colors? haha

In the mix are: red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, green bell peppers, some banana squash, carrots, green beans, red onions, garlic, seasoned with salt, pepper, brown sugar, Italian herb and cooking wine.

Mother-in-law gave us a box of braised soy sauce hard boiled eggs. We cut some of them. NO need to reheat them. They taste good even as cold dish. I didn’t eat the yolks tho.

lunch! Also I baked some carrots. Yummy!

Ok, now thinking what should I do for dinner. Finally as I’m writing this post, the sun came out. No more gloomy weather, in fact it’s pretty nice right now! But before thinking about dinner I have to start my usual weekend duties: CLEANING. Ugh, not quite my favorite chores, but if I don’t do it, it’ll get worse, so might as well do it! I might not have the will to do the whole house, but weekly kitchen cleaning is mandatory for me.

So I cleaned the kitchen but that was it. I wasn’t even bother to wipe the window shutters and furniture like the usual weekend routine. Today I just didn’t feel like to do it. So, I was a bit hungry then I fixed some low fat plain yogurt topped with dried cranberries, golden raisins and cheerios. What’s better enjoying this delicious healthy snack other than catching up FlashForward on

But before that, I made this amazing whole wheat dairy free bread and turned out super amazing! Might be better than last time I did.

nice and fluffy whole wheat bread

Dinner just made simple, more veggies and some edamame. Not much, like I said, today I just didn’t want to do a lot of stuff.

And fruits for dessert!

Gosh can’t believe weekend is almost over. Back to work tomorrow. Good nite!

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