Shrimpsational Sunday
Today was almost overcast through out the day and the air was cooler than yesterday. It would be my best time to go out and jog but my right foot was still a bit hurt from jumping so I decided to stay indoor. I did P90X Abs and chest & back and those workout were very good!
After the workout, I had my recovery drink and breakfast together. Simple plain soymilk with chocolate protein powder, a slice whole wheat toast I made yesterday with peanut butter and a banana.
My husband was such a nice guy to share his tea he brewed.
While having breakfast, I was thinking what to cook for today? I bought 4 big fish fillets and 2 lbs of shrimp yesterday. I took a peek in to the fridge and finally I got an idea: for lunch I’ll make Southern Style Inspired Shrimp and for dinner I’ll make regular stir fry shrimp with veggies and fish fillet curry! YUM!
So I spent at least 1 hour peeled and cleaned the shrimps (yeah I know I am a slow shrimp cleaner..haha. But hey, I don’t want those nasty veins to get into my stomach!) By the time I finished cleaning the shrimp, it was almost lunch time. I prepared the rest of the ingredients as well: 1 green bell pepper (chopped), 1 big carrots (cut into bite size), some green beans (cut into matchstick style), 1 can of tomato paste, some cooked corn kernels, and minced garlic. When I was sauteing the vegetables, I decided to add in 1 cup of brown rice. The dish turned out ok, but I wished I put the vegetables later after the rice was done. The green beans and bell pepper turned out a bit yellowish because the brown rice took longer to cook. Regardless, the dish was GOOD!
After lunch, we went out to a store because I wanted to get shoe insoles. I figured my current shoes don’t have enough support for my feet, thus the jumping hurt my right foot. I got a pair for about $10 and they were decent. My right foot was still a bit hurt even landed from a light jump. I might have to take cardio workout easy.
Sunday afternoon routine was typically cleaning the house, which was part of my workout as well. While cleaning, I got a bit hungry so I snacked on Luna® S’mores Nutrition Bar.
This bar was pretty good. The texture reminds me of rice crispy pressed on top of melted chocolate, but it didn’t give me sugar high. I can still tolerate the sweetness, even though I wish it can be less sweet. Anyway, it hold my hunger perfectly until dinner time.
So I still had some shrimps left and made this stir fry shrimp, using similar ingredients as the lunch time. However, this time I used soy sauce. The dish turned out good!
And for the fish fillet, I used this ready-to-use curry package that I had in hand. It was so convenient. Just need to saute it a bit before mixing in the fish fillet.
Lots of shrimps today, might need to stay away from it for a while.
Aw, it’s already Sunday evening and tomorrow have to go back to work. I packed whatever I had today for tomorrow’s lunch. No lunch pack for hubby because his day off tomorrow.
Of course, some fruits for dessert after dinner is always nice.
PS: It’s a bit late, but HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all moms 🙂