The Year 2013 Determination
Happy New Year 2013 everyone! First of all I’d like to thank you for all of your support and reading this little tiny blog of mine with my various ramblings which sometimes might not make that much sense to you…haha!
So how does this year 2013 has become for you? Did you make any typical new year resolutions, goals, intentions etc?
I am not a typical person to make a new year resolutions thing but I do have sort of goal in my mind. It’s something that I came up when I did my last workout at LBKC.
Currently I am on Carb Nite protocol and so far I’ve been liking it. Today will be my 7th Carb Nite (can’t wait for the carb feast!) and I feel like my body starts shaping to the direction that I like.
I used to a bit obsessed getting a super ripped body like these fitness models.
In order to achieve those kind of figure, body fat needs to be very low.Well it’s not bad to have some kind of image goal, right? But it will be a problem when I’m become obsessed with it. So I make a little shift.
My goal now is to focus on getting more strength and muscles!
I’ve come up with this determination when I got to push 275 lbs. sled 4 laps (20 yards per lap). It wasn’t an easy push but the satisfaction when I reached to the end of the lap gave me that satisfaction and I want to finally be able to push 4x, 5x my bodyweight! Or do a strict unassisted pull ups! Or do a handstand!
Those are the keywords of my goal.
What is your 2013 determination and goal and how did you come up with? Please do share!
8 thoughts on “The Year 2013 Determination”
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Wow what a gorgeous blog you have here!!! I wish I would of known earlier, I can’t believe I didn’t know about your blog.
I love it soooo much!!!
Thank you for dropping by Tati! 🙂 Hearing it from you really makes my day.
there is a saying that i really like called ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ and i live by it! i never let anything that i am driven towards totally consume my thoughts by comparison. i am very self motivated but at the end of the day it’s only me against myself. i want to be the best version of me! i am sure you look amazing! my goals this year are more intentions not resolutions per se. i intend to make the most of this year and not to let set backs prevent me from achieving goals that i set. i want to travel out west and have a nature adventure, buy a house, and get a new job among many things 🙂
Happy 2013, Jos! :))
I never do any resolutions, I just do stuff and take it as it comes, but this year I really wanna make it count. So we started with Whole30 on January 3rd, (day 3 now, yay!) and I decided to really stick to strict paleo after we finish our 30+ days. No treats, no cheats, no special occasions (unless it is my grandma’s cake once a year, haha). This way of eating really fits me, I like how I feel when sticking to clean eating, but still I find myself slipping into old habits (one occasional bagel usually slowly drags me back to hell full of Snickers bars). I said NOT THIS TIME to myself and I am gonna stick with it.
We are moving away from Prague in a month, it is gonna be a challenge. No jobs, living with my boyfriend’s parents for who-knows-how-long, only one grocery store available.. it’s gonna be hard, but not impossible. At least we are gonna learn how to live paleo in unfamiliar territory. :))
Another thing I will keep on doing is working out like I did last summer. I am with The Simple Gym workouts since the beginning of this year (short, simple, sweaty, not killing me) and I wanna stick with those for at least 30 days (lets say, before we move). We have a lot of stuff to do before we leave, so shorter the better for me now, and I don’t wanna skip workouts again, because that made me stop working out for more than 2 months (I lost A LOT of strength and gained some fat). After finishing the 30 day challenge with The Simple Gym, I am gonna go back to Tatianna again, because her workouts really click with me :)))
My main goal is to find a job that I would really enjoy. We are gonna be living with parents, so no hurry there, we can stay for as long as we want without paying any rent, so we can really take our time to finally get a job we both wanna do and not to just settle with the first one we find. Job is the major part of life, so I belive one should do at least something he doesn’t completely hate (like I do today).
LOL, kinda long. 🙂 But as someone said, writting it down makes it more official. :)))
Currently reading Living Paleo for Dummies by Mel, loving that book 🙂 Wanna get Gather ASAP. We plan on having a paleo wedding (not really thinking about the actual act, but we know we wanna get married in future and wanna make it Paleo feast), and I am searching for a perfect cake 😀
Oh and one more thing I wanna do in 2013 – read. more. paleo. blogs.
I have your blog, Robb Wolf’s page, Nom Nom Paleo, Balanced Bites, theclothesmakesthegirl, Everyday Paleo and some more in a speed dial, but I NEVER READ THEM!!!! That must change, at least for Delightful Tastebuds :)))
Happy New Year 2013 to you too Nina! 🙂 As always, I enjoy reading your comments! I totally understand job is a big part of our life. Hey we need to earn some $$ too so we can feed ourselves right! Best luck to the two of you looking for new jobs. My current job right now isn’t too bad but it’s not the greatest either. I’ve learn to just let it go and deal with it for now. In fact, I could always do other stuff to make my life more interesting. I’ve been enjoying my Kettlebell classes and I could credit all my home workouts for the past 1.5 year that has built my endurance and foundations to this level. This KB class will enhance and improve my overall technique and strength plus I will be able to learn all these Olympic lifting moves, something that I can’t do on my own (clean, jerk, snatch, overhead squats etc). So it’s pretty exciting.
How exciting! Paleo wedding?! oooOOhh..has he officially proposed to you??? Spill the details, if you don’t mind 😀 – on your blog if you want. Man I”d LOOOOVE to see it!! Hmm maybe this will give me an excuse to make a trip to Czech?? haha 😀
Paleo is definitely a way of life and I’ve been loving it too! Right now I am refining it to be a bit more so I could achieve my most optimum results. We’ll see how things go. And thank you so much for all your support with my blog 🙂
Happy 2013!!
You have a lot of determination plus you love what you do, I am very sure you will reach your goal!! Thank you for the inspiration.
I am successfully lowering my Body Fat percentage which now is 24. It has taken me a whole year and a half to figure out what is best for me and definitely Primal/Paleo was the secret! I was so curious about The Carb Nite protocol and I bought the book, I liked it. But for now, I will wait because I am focusing on 100% nutrition since we are planning on getting pregnant sometime this year.
Keep working hard and you’ll reach your goal! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
Hi Patricia!
Happy New Year 2013 to you too and thank you for following and reading my blog 🙂
Congrats on lowering your body fat to 24% after going Primal/paleo. That’s so exciting! And best luck of you for getting pregnant. Will this be your first one?
The Carb Nite book is pretty old but it still has a lot of good info in there. Some of the info there are outdated. I suggest if you want to try Carb Nite, I highly recommend you to work with Deborah Kaplan ( as your coach. She’s been coaching me on this Carb Nite and it’s something that you can’t just follow the book to the T.
Thanks again for reading!
Thank you for your advice Jos. I can’t believe it took me this long to reply back to you 🙂 I will for sure take a look at Deborah Kaplan’s site.
and yes, this is our first baby so we are excited and nervous at the same time, we will try to get pregnant around March, just waiting to get hubby’s vitamin D levels a little bit higher because he was deficient and that is a very important vitamin.
Thanks for your great blog!