This post will be super short and pictureless because well my USB camera cable refused to connect to my computer so I couldn’t get those pictures. *SIGH*

Anyway, I had a terrible and sever stomach cramps last night, not even sure what caused it 🙁 I know it might be because it’s almost that “time” but I’ve never experienced this kind of pain.) It was like my stomach being twisted over and over again. Although finally I could fall asleep and while the cramp gradually disappeared, I still felt a little bit this morning.

One thing that I could think of was might be because I went a little overboard with the kimchee (Korean fermented cabbage) that I got from Korean store yesterday. I love kimchee or any kind of fermented veggies and I am planning to incorporate more probiotic food into my diet.

Well apparently I might go a bit overboard with it *damn if I only I could upload the pictures!* I had some for lunch by making Kimchee omelet, then some more for dinner. Today I had to go easy with my food and avoid any kinds of food that sort of acidic (tomatoes, chilis, paprika etc). Hopefully this will help.

Anyway, I’ll have to wait for my Card reader arrived from Amazon so I could transfer my pictures from my camera.

Do you take any probiotic supplements or food?

One of these days I’d love to have some kombucha as well 😀

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