Tag: travel
First Jakarta Trip after 18 Years Later – Part 2
Read Part 1 here. So here I am finally landed on Jakarta. First thing was the heat and humidity which quickly made me sweat quite a bit. As soon as I stepped out from the airport, I met up with my uncle who drove me back to my house. And what’s the fun of being […]
Continue Reading...First Jakarta Trip after 18 Years Later – Part 1
Earlier this year, I have decided to finally pay a visit to my hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia. Other than I have never been back for 18 years, I thought it is also time for me to pay my parents a visit. The last time I saw my parents were 4 years ago when they came here […]
Continue Reading...One Day Trip Getaway
Living Primal/Paleo doesn’t always associate with food choice and working out. What’s the point of eating healthy and exercise if you’re not enjoying your life to the fullest? I realized all of this time I’ve never really taken one day to just get out from the regular chores and just relaxing. Yesterday, Hubby K and […]