Birthday Gifts

Dearest hubby K, Happy Birthday! I know you’re pretty sensitive for getting a year older that you even had hard time sleeping last night so I understand that you had to sleep in today. And I didn’t mind you woke me up earlier this morning to keep you company until you could fall asleep and […]

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Being Skeptical

Not sure what’s wrong with our weather lately. Two days in a row we’ve been having a blazing hot summer-like weather (high 80s-low 90s) and today I woke up to an overcast 60s-70s weather..again. I heard it’s gonna rain tomorrow. A typical day to start my weekend – loose leaf hot tea 😀 Paired with […]

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Baked Provence Herb Lamb Shanks

I saw this herb at the grocery store today and thought it would be a good one to cook my lamb shanks. According to the package the mixture is a blend of herb and spices which is used for dishes in Provence, France. The mixture has basil, rosemary, marjoram, savory and thyme. It can be […]

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