Aren’t you glad tomorrow is Friday? Because I am! 😀
But this Saturday will be a super busy day because it’s my brother’s in Law’s wedding. K and I have to go to his place early morning like 6 am to help out with the preparations. Like any typical Chinese wedding, it usually has this “tea ceremony” thing. I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures for you guys and hopefully I can get the post up by Sunday..haha.

I could imagine that we’ll be out for the whole Saturday, from early morning to late night…*sigh* Not sure how I can stay within my Primal/Paleo eats but I’ll try my best.

Anyway, I finally had my last coconut-apple pudding yesterday as my breakfast, along with left over of Quickie Chicken Curry and some nuked frozen green peas.

Try to dress it up a bit for the pic..haha..btw I ate the other 1/2 banana as well

And when I went to Costco after work to pick up some stuff, I bought this: Premium Alaskan Cod Fillets (wild caught)

total 7 individually vacuum sealed fillets

Currently it’s still defrosting in my fridge. Hopefully it’ll be ok by tomorrow morning so I could season them a bit with salt and pepper and cook them for dinner.

After so many chicken dishes, I think I need a little break from it. Fish sounds so good!

Any exciting plans for this coming weekend? Did I tell you that I still have NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR for the wedding? ARGH! Gotta dig into my closet and improvise whatever clothing I could mix-match. I might want to wear differently during daytime and nightime (daytime would be the tea ceremony, nightime would be the banquet). It’s been pretty cold lately at night, and usually those party dresses are not warm enough!

Wish me luck!

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