Will This Be The ONE?

My day wasn’t exactly started off in a good way. Not something that serious, but I was a little down that I didn’t beat my old PR. The only consolation I had was either I miscounted last time or I already maxed out my effort on this workout. Oh well, nothing stopped me for enjoying […]

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Dark Chocolate Almond Bars

Once in a blue moon I do crave some good granola bars, but as you all know Paleo and grains are not exactly good friend. So when I saw Civilized Caveman Cooking Creation’s Caveman Crunch Bars Recipe, I knew these would perfectly satisfy my cravings. After looking through my pantry, I modified his recipe to […]

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Eats of the Day and Made My First Paleo Bars

My Monday morning workout wasn’t too bad…perfect to kick off this week. Post workout/breakfast: Whatever left overs I had: shredded baked chicken breasts, roasted carrots, 1/2 baked japanese yam, cherry tomatoes I was so low in protein, so I fried up some eggs and zucchini along with some steamed veggies for lunch. After drooling over […]

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Leftovers are My Life Savers

Let’s just cut to the chase. Breakfast – I didn’t eat anything, wasn’t hungry at all PLUS I didn’t do any workout (not even a walk!) Instead I drank cups after cups of loose leaf tea for sure! Lunch – no brainer..whatever left over from yesterday 😀 It was another hot sticky humid weather again. I […]

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Kiddie Saturday Potluck Gathering

The heat wave still continues and I have nobody to blame but myself for not finishing this post much earlier of the day before the computer room turns into a sauna by afternoon. Anyway, Hubby K and I were the first guests who arrived at M, my friend’s house.. LOL…well not exactly the first though. […]

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