Fly Away and Sail Away…
Summer is over and we wanna make the most out of it… So we decided that we should use this last summer opportunity to fly away and sail away! I don’t think I can blog while I’m away because I’ll have limited internet access. Anyway I’ll be MIA for a little while. But fear not, […]
Continue Reading...Dark Chocolate Nut Cookies
I still had some almond meal left and I didn’t want to it to sit any longer on the counter fearing it’ll get rancid. Breaded Fried Chicken Fingers was one of the yummy recipe I came up with after inspired by Paleo Comfort Foods Fried Chicken Recipe but I already ran out of chicken. So […]
Continue Reading...Labor Day Weekend Eats
For those in the US, how’s your Labor Day Weekend? Mine was great, even though I wasn’t exactly on Paleo bandwagon 100% to the boot but at least I made the most out of it. The biggest highlight was Saturday dinner, when Hubby K and I were invited to one of his distant relative’s wedding […]
Continue Reading...Breaded Fried Chicken Fingers
I can’t give enough credit to Paleo Comfort Foods for inspiring me to create this recipe. It’s true that I love my Oven Fried Curried Chicken Fingers, but there’s something about the breaded chicken fingers taste that quite different from shredded coconut. Also big thanks to Nom Nom Paleo video demonstrating one of Paleo Comfort […]
Continue Reading...What a Day, What a Week!
Heey everyone, thank you for all the good wishes on my last post! I won’t really post long for today so I just briefly showed how my eats for the past 2 days. Breakfast/post workout meal were the usual fried eggs and sweet potato (this time it was half the center was still a […]