This should not bother me, but…
**Fair warning: This post might sound self pity, pathetic or whatsoever, so if you are not interested in reading any further, feel free to click away or go read my recent recipe post instead. You’ve been warned** Yesterday Hubby K and I took a train trip visiting C, my former colleague who also being let go […]
Continue Reading...Braised Salmon & Eggplant Zucchini Tagliatelle
I was pretty exhausted and hungry so I thought of a quick dish to make without driving myself insane. After looking thru my fridge and pantry, I came up with this recipe. A special credit to Kath at My Funny Little Life who introduced me with the word “tagliatelle”. đŸ˜€ Ingredients: 1/2 onion – finely […]
Continue Reading...Adjustments Needed Soon
I’ve been trying to go back on eating clean after the vacation, especially after I saw these 2 buggers. Apparently my body perfectly knew that I wasn’t eating the way I supposed to be. Couldn’t help it that I might ingest crapload of industrial vegetable oils. Not that I had any choice anyway. So I’ve […]
Continue Reading...Mashed “Sweet Potatoes”
There are plenty of ways to create Paleo friendly mashed potatoes and one of them is by pureeing cauliflower. Today I felt a bit adventurous and I added some carrots to give it more color, which reminds me a lot of mashed sweet potatoes. Ingredients: 1 big cauliflower head 3 big carrots 1-3 Tbsp Fox […]
Continue Reading...Alaskan Cruise Vacation (Part 3) – Adventures and Sightseeing
This is the last part of my Alaskan Cruise Vacation. In case you missed it you can catch up here: Alaskan Cruise Vacation (Part 1) – Overall Experience and Observations Alaskan Cruise Vacation (Part 2.1) – Food Porn Alaskan Cruise Vacation (Part 2.2) – Food Porn Finally, I gotta share some pictures of places that […]