Another day off tomorrow, GNU review and calorie intake thoughts
Today I thought would be another draggy day but turned out not really. Work wasn’t crazy busy, but more like an okay pace. Heck I even felt the day went by pretty fast. Probably because tomorrow I’ll have another day off? I had to take a day off tomorrow for lab appointment. I had to […]
Continue Reading...Beach run fail, steamed veggies, Mr & Mrs Clean
Today was beach run FAIL. We both didn’t feel like getting up and drove down to the beach for our beach run. However, that didn’t stop me completing cardio workout for today. I did 30 minutes run outside the house and 25 minutes of P90X Cardio X. I felt something would be missing if I […]
Continue Reading...Fireworks everywhere, sushi rolls and shopping
How’s everyone 4th of July so far? Me here sitting in front of my computer, typing this post and hearing tons of fireworks everywhere around my neighborhood area (plus music and barking dogs haha). I could see them from my window though. Seriously, I was hoping to go sleep early tonight so I could get […]
Continue Reading...Stiff neck, Averie’s GF crackers experiment
First of all thank you for all your comments and support on my last post. Definitely motivate me working towards to my goal. How’s everyone’s Saturday so far? My left neck was really stiff since yesterday evening. Not sure what happened, I was TOTALLY fine yesterday until the time I got off from work. I […]
Continue Reading...A visitor, Prana Bar review and long term goal
I had a super bad stomach cramps last night after I finished my post and again now I am feeling it. The closest description I could come up is having your guts being squeezed and twisted…ouch..not to mention I’ve been feeling bloated and cramps for the whole afternoon, partly because of the “monthly thing”. Don’t […]
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