It’s almost Friday, can’t believe it! This week has gone fast and before we know it, June is almost over! We’re already halfway in the year 2010. Time flies so fast! I feel I just celebrated Christmas and New Year not too long ago! Does anyone else feel this way or am I just a weirdo?

Anyway, I had a pretty good sweaty workout with P90X Kenpo X. I almost wanted to skip today’s workout and called it a rest day. But I prefer to have my rest day tomorrow so I’ll be fully charged for my weekend beach run/jog. Btw, remember I was going to do overnight oats? Well it didn’t turn out as I expected. I think I added a bit too much almond milk in there so it was quite watery.

After. I added some strawberries, a generous amount of yogurt and a dollop of peanut butter ( can't see it but it's there!)

I am not giving up. I’ll try it again later! For sure I won’t add too much liquid.

Speaking of which, I just found out that my little point and shoot digital camera has a lot more functions in it! All this time I only use the automatic setting. Some of the setting choices are: night shot, digital macro, kids & pets, portrait and even manual. I can also adjust the white balance settings, color settings, resolution settings. Within the main settings, there are some sub functions as well. For example, for kids & pets, there are choices of indoor shot, fireworks, outdoor etc. For color settings, there are black/white, sepia tone, color swap, and spot color. I could even have control of what type of lights that I am going to take the pictures. Wow, can’t believe my little Canon point and shoot camera compacts these many functions! Gosh, such a noob!

So after my little “discovery”, I started to experimented more on my food picture taking. After fiddle around with it for a bit, I decided to use the manual setting.

Shrimp stir fry

I do notice the colors are more vivid and the focus is better as well than using automatic settings. Of course, taking the advantage of natural light is the key of taking a nice and sharp picture. Btw, this is the super easy shrimp stir fry. JustĀ  some tomatoes, celery, stir fried with the shrimps, added some salt and a bit of black pepper and ketchup, you’re DONE! Simplest dish ever. The only catch is use frozen cleaned shrimps instead of the fresh one. Ha!

some mango salsa from last time
One can never have enough yogurt with fruits as after dinner dessert!

Too bad my little camera ran out of battery so had to recharge and can’t fiddle around with it more. I never really consider myself as “technologically impaired”, but I guess that’s not quite true. Oh well, at least now I don’t have to keep looking at Amazon for the nice digital SLR camera which costs at least $1,000 something!

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